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如此测评当休矣一年一度的领导干部考核测评工作早已落下帷幕,可是,笔者发现,有的单位只讲过场,走形式,不重视效果,表面搞得令人眼花缭乱,耗费了大量的人力财力不说,却没有达到真正的测评目的。一位朋友对笔者说,他们单位组织测评时,他领到了四张表格,定睛一看,有的被测评人员,一年中几乎没与其说过几句话,何谈了解!针对廉政建设、思想素质、业务能力、工作实绩等等这些重要而又具体的考评参数,要认真负责地给他们评分,困难何其多啊!再说,每年的测评结果又不公布,就是真的认真对其评分,又有何意义?为了不“浪费”自己的权利,只好人人优秀,人人满分。其实,对领导干部进行考核测评是很有必要的。有一个单位,采取了上下级互相测评为主的方式,避免了“不相识”的现象,并对考评在前五名的,给予适当的奖励,对排名靠后的人员,则采取领导找其谈话等方式,让其知道自己的不足之处,希望今后迎头赶上。可是像以上那位朋友所说的测评方法,既浪费人力(抽专人负责制作表格,组织N个人员逐个单位进行考核),又浪费财力(N张表格的纸张费、复印费),还达不到预期的目的,如此“毛病”多多,为什么不让其早日“旧貌换新颜”呢? However, the author found that some units only talked about the venue, take the form, do not pay attention to the effect, the surface made dazzling, consuming a lot of human and financial resources are not Said, but did not achieve the true purpose of the test. A friend told the author that when they organized and evaluated their appraisal, he received four forms and took a closer look. Some of the personnel assessed were hardly able to say a few words in a year. What is the point of understanding? For the construction of an honest and clean government, Ideological quality, operational capacity, job performance, etc. These important and specific evaluation parameters, to be serious and responsible for their grading, how much more difficult ah! Moreover, the annual evaluation results are not published, is really serious about its score, What is the point? In order not to “waste” one’s own rights, we have to be excellent and full of everyone. In fact, the assessment and evaluation of leading cadres is necessary. Have a unit, take the upper and lower levels of mutual evaluation-based approach to avoid the “do not know” phenomenon, and appraisal in the top five, to give appropriate rewards, to rank behind, then take the leadership to find its Talk and other ways to let them know their own shortcomings, hoping to catch up in the future. However, as the friend mentioned above, the evaluation method is not only a waste of manpower (taking a person responsible for making a form and organizing N personnel to conduct examination on a unit-by-unit basis) but also a waste of financial resources (paper fees and copy fees for N forms) To the expected purpose, so “wrong” a lot, why not let it as soon as possible “old look new”?
Objective: To report cases of neurocysticercosis(NCC) from three neighboring districts of Andhra Pradesh state in India where NCC burden was never explored befo
[Saxon A et al:Cell Immunol 59(1):82,1981(英文)] 给一组有基础免疫的人肌肉注射破伤风类毒素(以下简称破类)5Lf或破类5Lf加白喉类毒素2Lf,然后每14天在同侧或对侧臂部重
因为自己还没有一本作品结集,所以总觉得没有资格为别人的文集写序。至于为一位尚未谋面的作者写序,更是从来没有过的事情。 今天我竞然破了例,而且决定写完以后,一定要赶在
毕业即失业?这大概是今年大约100万名中国大学毕业生难以回避的困境。这一困境将持续多久,牵扯到成千上万个人和家庭的命运。  而中国社会长期以来,已经形成了国家资源过度向白领精英阶层集中的现象。整个社会的观念是,大学生毕业后就当国家干部,大学生就是天然的候补白领。这种带有偏见的社会价值取向,使得大学生们在职业观念上存在着巨大偏差  人才市场的停车场里,横七竖八停着各处来的自行车、助动车。排队的是新毕