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《义务教育体育与健康课程标准》(2011年版)进一步明确了课程的性质、目标与评价等,在课程结构与表述等诸方面更加完善,有利于引领课程实施。然而,广大一线体育教师能否带着正确的课程标准理念走向实践,关键看教师们对课程标准理解的程度以及实施的力度。鉴于此,本刊在“实践与游戏”栏目开通“案例研析”子版块,旨在通过组织研讨(研讨论坛地址:http://bbs.sports.edu.cn/index.php?gid=1),剖析课程标准与解析案例,解决实施课程标准过程中的困惑与难题,力求使一线体育教师完成从课程执行者到课程建设者的角色转变。目标是课程的核心,是对学生通过学习可达成结果的预期,它作为教学设计核心,是选择教学内容与教学方法以及评价的依据。本期就如何制订目标进行了深入的探讨,目的是通过讨论厘清目标体系的内在联系和掌握制订方法。研讨中,大家提出了不少有价值的观点。本期选登的第一篇文章以系统的观点阐述了如何根据单元目标制订课时目标;第二篇文章对目标制订中“学到什么程度”的依据进行了探讨;第三篇文章具体呈现“分级制订学习目标”的案例。在明确目标制订方法后,内容选择又成为一个新的关注点。如何正确理解基础运动技能学习内容的基础性与全面性?基础运动技能的内容包含哪些?栏目第二期将以基础运动技能之一的滚翻类技能为例展开讨论,期待各地一线教师、教研员和专家学者继续围绕该专题展开研讨与交流。 The Compulsory Education Physical Education and Health Curriculum Standard (2011 Edition) further clarifies the nature, objectives and evaluation of the curriculum, and improves the curriculum structure and presentation so as to lead the implementation of the curriculum. However, the majority of front-line physical education teachers can take the correct concept of curriculum standards to practice, the key to see teachers to understand the extent of the curriculum standards and implementation efforts. In view of this, the magazine in the “Practice and Game ” section opened “case study ” sub-section, designed to organize seminars (seminar forum address: http://bbs.sports.edu.cn/index.php ? gid = 1), analyze the curriculum standards and analytical cases, to solve the puzzles and difficulties in the implementation of curriculum standards, and strive to make front-line physical education teachers to complete the role from curriculum executor to curriculum builder. The goal is the core of the course, which is the expectation that the students can achieve the result through the study. It is the core of instructional design, and the basis of choice of teaching content and teaching methods and evaluation. The purpose of this issue is to discuss in detail how to set goals. The purpose of this issue is to clarify the intrinsic connection of the target system and to master the methods through discussion. During the discussion, many valuable ideas were put forward. The first essay in this issue expounds systematically how to set the lesson-time target according to the unit’s goal. The second article discusses the basis for “learning to what degree” in the target formulation. The third article is specific Show “grading set learning objectives ” case. Content-selection has become a new focus after defining goals and methods. How to correctly understand the basic and comprehensive basic sports skills learning content? What are the basic sports skills? Column two will be based on the skills of one of the basic skills to roll class discussion, and look forward to the frontline teachers, teaching and research staff And experts and scholars continue to focus on the topic of discussion and exchange.
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