
来源 :现代军事 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hyron2005
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中央军委江泽民主席2003年9月1日在国防科技大学成立50周年庆祝大会上宣布:“面对新形势,为了积极推进中国特色军事变革,党中央、中央军委决定,在‘九五’期间裁减军队员额50万的基础上,2005年前再裁减军队员额20万。这个重大决定,对坚持走中国特色的精兵之路,加速推进我军现代化建设、促进国家经济发展,对促进人类和平与发展的崇高事业,具有十分重大的意义。”我军经过近20年的一系列调整改革,从数量到结构都发生了巨大变化。特别是经历了100万和50万人的大裁军,由原来420万人降到250万。目前,全军正以改革精神响应军委裁军20万的号召,进一步压缩规模、调整体制编制、优化内部结构、理顺关系,探索中国式的精兵之路。他山之石,可以攻玉。我们不妨了解一下外军在体制编制改革上是如何做的。 On September 1, 2003, Central Military Commission Chairman Jiang Zemin announced at the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the National University of Defense Technology: “In the face of the new situation and in order to actively promote the military reform with Chinese characteristics, the Central Party Committee and the Central Military Commission decided that the reduction during the Ninth Five-Year Plan On the basis of 500,000 troops, the number of troops to be reduced to 200,000 will be reduced again by 2005. This major decision is of great significance to adhering to the path of building elite troops with Chinese characteristics, accelerating the modernization of our armed forces, promoting the country’s economic development, and promoting human peace and development Lofty cause. ”After nearly 20 years of series of readjustment and reforms, our army has undergone tremendous changes in both quantity and structure. In particular, the great disarmament experienced by one million and half a million people has dropped from 4.2 million to 2.5 million. At present, the entire army is responding to the call of the Central Military Commission for disarmament of 200,000 troops in a spirit of reform, further reducing the scale, adjusting the system formulation, optimizing the internal structure, straightening out the relations and exploring the Chinese-type hardliners. Stones from other hills, can learn. Let us look at how the foreign forces have done in system reform.
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