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美国新当选总统小布什2001年1月11日在记者招待会上宣布,正式提名美籍华人赵小兰担任新政府劳工部长。1月29日,美参议院表决通过赵小兰出任联邦政府劳工部长。至此,赵小兰成为美国历史上首位华裔内阁成员。赵小兰(英文名 Elaine Chao)上海嘉定人。1953年出生于台湾省台北市,1963年后随父母移居美国。1975年毕业于曼荷莲女子学院,主修经济。1979年,她获哈佛大学企业管理学院硕士学位。后任纽约花旗银行高级会计师。1983年至1984年当选“白宫学者”。1984年至1986年,她出任旧金山美国商业银行国际金融副总裁。1986年弃商从政,任美国联邦政府交通部航运署副署长。1988年任联邦海事委员会主席。1989年,她担任美国交通部副部长,是截至当时为止华裔在美国联邦政府内级别最高的官员。1993年2月7日与美国联邦参议员米切尔·麦康奈尔结婚。1993年12月与丈夫麦康奈尔一起访问中国。提名前任职于华盛顿智囊团传统基金会,担任亚洲研究中心顾问委员会主席。她于1986年当选全美六大杰出妇女,1987年当选全美十大杰出女青年之一。1980年和1981年应邀两次到中国讲学。1991年12月2日担任美国和平队第十二任队长。离职后应聘到联合基金会出任会长,年薪9万多美元,下辖机关遍布全美各地,包括美国红十字会。 U.S. President-elect George W. Bush announced at a press conference on January 11, 2001 that the Chinese-American Zhao Xiaolan was officially nominated as Labor Minister of the new government. January 29, the US Senate voted through the federal government Minister of Labor Zhao Xiaolan. At this point, Zhao Xiaolan became the first Chinese cabinet member in the history of the United States. Zhao Xiaolan (English name Elaine Chao) Shanghai Jiading people. Born in 1953 in Taipei, Taiwan, with his parents moved to the United States after 1963. In 1975, he graduated from the Women’s Lotus College, majoring in economics. In 1979, she received a master’s degree from Harvard Business School. New York Citibank senior accountant. Elected from 1983 to 1984 “White House Scholar”. From 1984 to 1986, she served as vice president of international finance at American Commercial Bank in San Francisco. Abolished business since 1986, served as the United States federal government deputy director of the Department of Transportation Department of Transportation. In 1988 the Federal Maritime Commission chairman. In 1989, she served as Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation and was the highest-ranking official in the federal government in the United States as of that date. February 7, 1993 married Senator Mitchell McConnell of the United States. In December 1993, she visited China with her husband, McConnell. Before the nomination, he worked for the Washington Foundation Foundation for Traditional Chinese Medicine as Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Asian Studies Center. She was elected to the nation’s six prominent women in 1986, and was elected one of the nation’s top ten women’s youths in 1987. Two lectures were invited to China in 1980 and 1981. December 2, 1991 as the twelfth captain of the United States Peace Corps. After leaving the United Foundation candidates as president, annual salary of more than 90,000 US dollars, the jurisdiction of the authorities throughout the United States, including the American Red Cross.
  目的:从基因型、剂量、给药前国际标准化比值(international normalized ratio,INR)、患者特征及合并用药角度,研究瓣膜置换患者华法林初始治疗一周内给药后INR 值的影响
2017年高考已然结束,2018年高考备考拉开帷幕。2017年高考英语有哪些部分延续了传统,2018年英语高考命题又会有什么新的变化呢?下面我们就一起把脉2017英语试卷,感受高考英语命题特点,从而明确英语的复习方向,赢在高考备考的起跑线上。  [稳字当头,注重发展]  高考英语试卷的命题都是以国家考试中心的考试说明(即考纲)为核心,综合考查同学们的语言知识运用能力。因此,在考试大纲稳定的前提下,
  目的 通过对一例CAA 患者的长期药学监护过程进行分析和总结,优化临床药师对CAA 患者的药学监护和个体化给药方案,提高对患者的治疗药物监测(Therapeutic drugmonitoring