A continuum model of jointed rock masses based on micromechanics and its integration algorithm

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loveliness900619
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The paper is devoted to proposing a constitutive model based on micromechanics. The joints in rock masses are treated as penny-shaped inclusion in solid but not through structural planes by considering joint density, closure effect, joint geometry. The mechanical behavior of the joints is represented by an elasto-plastic constitutive law. Mori-Tanaka method is used to derive the relationship between the joint deformations and macroscopic strains. The incremental stress-strain relationship of rock masses is formulated by taking the volume average of the representative volume element. Meanwhile, the behavior of joints is obtained. By using implicit integration algorithms, the consistent tangent moduli are proposed and the method of updating stresses and joint displacements is presented. Some examples are calculated by ABAQUS user defined material subroutine based on this model. The paper is devoted to proposing a constitutive model based on micromechanics. The joints in rock masses are treated as penny-shaped inclusion in solid but not through structural planes by investing joint density, closure effect, joint geometry. The mechanical behavior of the joints is represented by an elasto-plastic constitutive law. Mori-Tanaka method is used to derive the relationship between the joint deformations and macroscopic strains. The incremental stress-strain relationship of the rock masses is formulated by taking the volume average of the representative volume By the use of implicit integration algorithms, the consistent tangent moduli are proposed and the method of updating stresses and joint displacements is presented. Some examples are calculated by ABAQUS user defined material subroutine based on this model.
我很烦,因为老妈没文化,很愚昧,一年四季总爱唠叨天热少出门、天寒多穿衣,下雨要带伞,过河要小心。每当我身体不舒服时,她就点燃几支香,跪着面向天空、野外和厨房的水缸喊:“元元,你在山上还是水边,上树还是过桥,被人吓了还是狗吓了?归来哟,归来哟!”然后让姐姐跟着她不停地呼应,“归来哩,归来哩!”  我很烦,因为老妈没品位,很土气,一天到晚总在田间地角、锅台灶边打转,弄得浑身污泥草浆、臭汗淋漓。论容貌,
十年树木,百年树人。 《中国培训》自1992年7月涎生后,沐浴着有中国特色社会主义理论的阳光雨露和改革开放的春风细雨,经过中国职协和中国培训编辑部的精心培育,在广大读者的
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十分郁闷的王同学来信说:我是一名初三的学生,这段时间以来我一直很郁闷。因为我喜欢上一个女孩好长时间了,我们是朋友,还在同一个班。在班里时,我总喜欢时不时地朝她坐的位子看上几眼,看到她对我笑时,我好像就是全世界最幸福的人。我没有直接告诉她,一是害怕会失去她,二是我们很快就要中考了,我害怕会耽误她的学习,如果她因为我而考不上重点高中的话,我这辈子都不会原谅自己。  我知道在初三这个关键时期不应该这样,
泰戈尔说:“我们把世界看错了,反而说它欺骗了我们。”譬如说吧,现在有两种橘子,一种大而酸,一种小而甜,拿到大的人会抱怨酸,拿到甜的人会抱怨小。其实,我们不妨换个角度想一想:酸橘子虽酸但很大,而小橘子虽小但很甜。换个角度看问题,就能发现生活美好的一面。  香港特首梁振英幼年时生活贫困,但这段经历培养了他不畏艰辛、自食其力的能力,为他后来的成功奠定了坚实的基础。可以说,任何艰难困苦都是上天的恩赐,都是