Analysis of angular-selective performances of obliquely deposited birefringent thin film

来源 :ChineseOpticsLetters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kzhengting
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A slanted columnar TiO2 sculptured anisotropic thin film is prepared using the glancing angle deposition (GLAD) technique. We extend the inference regarding the optical properties of a uniaxial birefringent film based on theoretical analysis to include the more general case of a multilayer biaxial birefringent thin film, the optic axis of which is in the incident plane. We also investigate in detail the symmetrical angularselective transmittance performances of TiO2 biaxial anisotropic thin films for light incident at the same angle but coming from opposite sides of the surface normal. The tilted nanocolumn microstructures of the birefringent thin films induce optical anisotropy. The transmisson spectra for the p-polarized wave of TiO2 biaxial anisotropic thin film measured in the experiment almost overlap at the symmetrical oblique incidence at the ±0 angles, which validates our theoretical derivation.
提出了一种由左右、上下对称的一大一小圆弧组成的金属圆弧孔阵列结构。利用该结构形成的法布里-珀罗腔来加强表面等离激元的耦合作用,以获得较好的强透射现象;同时研究了基于该现象的折射率传感特性。采用有限时域差分法研究了该孔阵列结构中大小圆弧孔的半径、两圆弧的圆心距和阵列周期对强透射现象的影响。研究发现,当大圆弧半径为95 nm、小圆弧半径为70 nm、两圆弧的圆心距为100 nm、周期为425 nm时,该结构具有较好的强透射现象,其灵敏度为279 nm/RIU,为下一代高性能微纳米等离子体传感器的设计提供了理论
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