Spatially modulated polarimetry based on a vortex retarder and Fourier analysis

来源 :中国光学快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fq1984
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We report a spatially modulated polarimetry scheme by using a zero-order vortex half-wave retarder[ZVHR]and a spatial Fourier analysis method.A ZVHR is employed to analyze the input polarized light and convert it into a vectorial optical field,and an analyzer is set after the ZVHR to form an hourglass intensity pattern due to the spatial polarization modulation.Then,the input light's Stokes parameters can be calculated by spatial Fourier analysis of the hourglass pattern with a single shot.The working principle of the polarimeter has been analyzed by the Stokes-Mueller formalism,and some quantitative meas-uring experiments of different polarization states have been demonstrated.The experimental results indicate that the proposed polarimeter is accurate,robust,and simple to use.
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