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通过推导液滴在蒸发过程中,边界是否考虑Marangoni应力作用时,其内部流场分布的极坐标解析式,并结合相应的球冠液滴模型,来描述液滴内部的流线分布情况,以及液滴在受到Marangoni应力作用时,极坐标下ρcosα=常数处速度随液滴高度的分布规律。并分别使用实验与数值模拟结果与解析结果进行对比,从而说明解析式的正确性。同时从液滴的流线的分布得出:液滴在蒸发过程中,其内部的流动速率在三相界面处最大,在靠近基板的中心处最小。受Marangoni应力作用的影响,液滴内部在其对称面上产生了环流,其方向在液滴底部是从液滴中心流向三相界面的,同时也说明了Marangoni对流可以抑制“咖啡环”效应。 By deriving the polar coordinate solution of the internal flow field distribution when the liquid droplets are in the evaporation process, whether the boundary is considering the Marangoni stress or not, the streamline distribution inside the liquid droplet is described in conjunction with the corresponding spherical-cap droplet model When the droplets are subjected to Marangoni stress, the distribution of velocity at a constant ρcosα = with the height of the droplet in polar coordinates. The results of the experiment and the numerical simulation are compared respectively with the analytical results to illustrate the correctness of the analytical formula. At the same time, we can get the distribution of the streamline of the droplet: during the evaporation, the flow rate inside the droplet is the largest at the three-phase interface and the minimum near the center of the substrate. Under the influence of Marangoni stress, the inner part of the droplet generates a circular flow on the symmetry plane, the direction of which is from the center of the droplet to the three-phase interface at the bottom of the droplet. It also shows that Marangoni convection can restrain the “coffee ring” effect.
Atomic mass and characteristic constants for nuclear ground states are basic data for nuclear physics, and necessary ones for basic researches, theoretical calc
[摘 要] “跨学科”和“计算思维”是近年教育界谈论得比较多的两个概念,普适计算时代的多学科交叉,不同于在传统学科划分基础上的协作,而是不同学科的思想在方法论层面的融合;普适计算时代的计算,也不仅是用计算机作为工具来提高解决问题的效率,更是计算思维在理解问题本身、寻求解决问题途径中的作用。跨学科计算思维培养是培养大学生综合素质和创新能力不可或缺的重要环节,以北方民族大学全校各专业大学计算思维能力培
[摘 要] 在高职美术教育中,如何培养学生的实践能力,成为相关教育者需要重点思考的问题。就高职美术教育中学生实践能力培养的策略做简要分析。  [关 键 词] 高职美术教育;课堂教学;实践能力;策略  [中图分类号] G715 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2016)07-0113-01  高职院校是为国家培养实践性、操作性人才的学校,随着新课改的推进,高职美术教育把培养学生
作为一名教育者,最为重要的一点就是赋以学生真挚的师爱,教师要用真挚的爱感染、打动学生,用教师无私的爱去感化、关心学生,引导学生愉悦学习、健康成长、诸方面都发展。 As