我区春小麦一贯沿用“先播基肥、后播种子”的播种方法,由于早春气温低,土壤化冻浅,小麦是顶凌播种,实际上种子和肥料往往互相重合,造成烧种烧苗,断垄和缺条现象严重。我们作了一些改革,1982~1985连续四年,进行了春小麦的“先播种、后播肥”试验。一、基本情况试验设在国营渠口农场种子队。土壤为淡灰钙土,质地偏砂,含有机质0.95%,水解氮37ppm,速效磷17ppm,pH 值8.5,含盐0.045%,地下水埋深在4米左右。1982年开始进行小面积(0.7亩)试验,逐年扩大,至1984年试验150亩,1985年进行
Spring wheat in our district has always followed the sowing method of “sowing the first base fertilizer and then sowing the seeds”. Due to the low temperature in early spring and the shallow soilification, the wheat is top Ling sowing. In fact, seeds and fertilizers often overlap with each other, And lack of serious phenomenon. We made some reforms, 1982 ~ 1985 for four consecutive years, the spring wheat “sowing, after sowing” test. First, the basic situation The test is located in the state-run mouth farm seed team. The soil is light gray soil, the texture of the sand, containing 0.95% organic matter, hydrolyzed nitrogen 37ppm, available phosphorus 17ppm, pH 8.5, salt 0.045%, groundwater depth of about 4 meters. Since 1982, a small area (0.7 mu) trial has been carried out, expanding year by year to 150 mu in 1984 and 1985