
来源 :中国乡镇企业会计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kllllllll
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EVA价值管理体系比较完整,在企业管理中的应用也相对广泛。EVA管理体系的核心是EVA,主要包括四个组成部分:业绩考核评价、管理模式、激励制度以及理念体系。企业在推行EVA管理体系时,应从高到低,从上至下,更新旧的制度、设计新的方案、宣导新的理念并对企业员工进行定期的培训,循序渐进,全面推广EVA管理模式。本文从EVA管理体系构建的可能性入手,详细地阐述了EVA价值管理体系的构成以及实施策略。 EVA value management system is relatively complete, the application of business management is relatively broad. EVA management system is the core of EVA, mainly consists of four components: performance appraisal, management mode, incentive system and concept system. Enterprises in the implementation of EVA management system, from high to low, from top to bottom, update the old system, design new programs, promote new ideas and regular training of employees, step by step, the full promotion of EVA management model. This article begins with the possibility of constructing EVA management system, and elaborates the structure and implementation strategy of EVA value management system in detail.
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