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亲爱的中学生朋友,在春节的爆竹声中,“小作家杯全国中学生非常作文甲级联赛”第二轮比赛又和你见面了。第一轮联赛伊始,我们就宣示: “全国中学生作文甲级联赛”走进你的生活,走进你的心灵,倾听你的心声! “全国中学生作文甲级联赛”呼唤个性、呼唤真情、呼唤怀疑和批判精神! “全国中学生作文甲级联赛”给你提供多元思维的平台、开放的写作空间,使你获得思考和表达的自由。 Dear friends of high school students, in the sound of the firecrackers on the Spring Festival, the second round of the “Little Writers Cup National Middle School Students’ Extreme Composition A League Competition” met you again. At the beginning of the first round of the league, we declared: “The National Middle School Student Composition A League” enters your life, walks into your heart, listens to your voice! “National Amateur Middle School Students Composition A League” calls for personality, calls for truth, and calls Skeptical and critical spirit! “National Amateur Middle School Students Composition A League” provides you with a platform for multiple thinking, an open writing space, so you get the freedom to think and express.
The young couple quarreled.At last shecould bear it no longer and burst into tears. “I don’t want to have anything to do withyou any more.I’m packing up my
“举头望明月,低头思故乡”,古往今来,不知道被多少人吟诵过、引用过。全世界只要有华人的地方,这首诗就没有停歇的脚步。诗仙的风格丰富多彩,他可是 “I looked up at the
双休日,中小学生三成“侍侯”家教。四成忙于培训补习—— On weekends, primary and middle school students make up 30% of the “paternity” tutors. 40% busy trainin
随着高考考试制度的改革,写作天平中的创新法码会越来越重。无创意的作文会受到冷落;有创意的作文,即使只是一点,也会有令人惊喜的“鼓励分”。 作文“亮点”的提出,正是基
I.词汇短语复习1.一What’S your friend like? —一—————● A.He likes traveling B.He is all athlete C.He is kind D.Yes.he is handsome2.The couple telephone ea