利用八闽之优势 振兴福建中药业

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中药材历来是我省农业生产的一个重要组成部分。抓好药材生产,对繁荣我省医药事业、调整农业结构、扩大出口创汇有着重要的意义。 1 我省中药材的生产优势和分布特点 1.1 气候条件优越:我省地处亚热带,热量充足,雨量丰沛,植物生长周期短,生长发育快。如麦冬在浙江播种需两年,而在我省仅一年就可收获,且质量达到国优标准。 1.2 品种资源丰富:我省陆地结构是群峰耸峙,山岭蜿蜒,丘陵起伏,由此产生多种类型的小气候,各种动植物适地而生,出现南北药兼有、 Traditional Chinese medicine has always been an important part of agricultural production in our province. To do a good job in the production of medicinal herbs is of great significance to the prosperity of the pharmaceutical industry in our province, the adjustment of the agricultural structure, and the expansion of export earnings. 1 Production advantages and distribution characteristics of Chinese herbal medicines in our province 1.1 Excellent climatic conditions: Our province is located in the subtropical zone, with abundant heat, abundant rainfall, short plant growth cycle, and fast growth and development. For instance, Ophiopogon japonicus is planted in Zhejiang for two years, but in our province it can be harvested in only one year, and its quality is up to national standards. 1.2 Abundant species resources: The land structure of our province is characterized by a series of peaks, ridges, and ups and downs, resulting in various types of microclimates. Various species of plants and animals grow in place and there are both North and South medicines.
90版《药典》一部收载了36种小儿常用中成药制剂,处方中含毒性药物经计算分析发现,其中10种成方中所含毒性药物存在着超剂量问题,特提出商 The “Pharmacopoeia” 90 editi
生菜籽提取物(Lactuca Sativa L,Var Romana Hort Semen extract)iv 0.74g/kg能明显缩短肾上腺素诱发清醒家兔心律失常的持续时间;iv生菜籽提取1.4g/kg物能显著增加恒速(2μg
一、名词术语解释1.道地药材答:指传统产地所出的质优效高的著名药材。2.炮炙答:指在药物应用或制剂前,对药材所 First, the terminology interpretation 1. Authentic her
Protopine(普鲁托品,又名 fumarine)系含于罂粟科、蓝堇科多种植物中的一种异喹啉类生物碱。本文所用药品系中蓝堇科植物攀援指叶紫堇金龙(DactylicapnosScandens Hutch)根