
来源 :语言与文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:muzhe8835
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在传统翻译教学难以适应市场需要的形势下,本文从教材、课程设置、师资和实践基地等方面探讨如何结合地方经济特色,培养服务地方经济的应用型翻译人才。 In the situation that traditional translation teaching is difficult to meet the needs of the market, this article explores how to combine local economic characteristics and cultivate applied translators who serve the local economy from the aspects of teaching materials, curriculum, teachers and practice bases.
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一万福区位于怀远县西部边陲,与蒙城、凤台两县接壤,南濒茨淮新河,北靠芡河。全区6万人,15万亩耕地,历史上属于多灾低产地区。 Wanfu District is located in the western