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规范化管理集中体现于对人员和办案方面的管理,这与主诉制是相一致的,两者是一个有机的整体。因此我们在实践中不断完善主诉制,制定、实行与之相适应的配套措施,进一步促进公诉部门的规范化管理,使主诉制得以发挥更大的功效。主诉制的实施首先要求具备高素质的主诉检察官(以下简称“主诉官”),因此,主诉官的选拔任免成为关键的一环。而在目前缺乏统一选拔考核制度的情况下,仅是将原有的部分办案人员任命了事,容易造成主诉官业务水平参差不齐,组织协调能力高低不一。本文从提高主诉官的整体素质入手,谈谈如何遵循“公开、平等、竞争、择优”的原则以及运用公开选拔、双向选择等措施,设立主诉官竞争上岗机制,完善主诉体制,促进公诉部门的规范化管理进程。 Standardization management is embodied in the management of personnel and case handling, which is consistent with the main complaint system, the two are an organic whole. Therefore, we constantly improve the main complaint system in practice, formulate and implement appropriate measures to support it, and further promote the standardized management of public prosecution departments so that the main complaint system can play a greater role. The implementation of the main complaint system first requires a high-quality chief prosecutor (hereinafter referred to as “chief prosecutor”), therefore, the selection and appointment of chief prosecutors become a key element. However, under the current lack of a unified selection and examination system, only some of the original case-handling personnel were appointed, which easily led to the uneven level of business operations of the chief complaint officer and the different levels of coordination and coordination. This article starts with improving the overall quality of the chief prosecutor, talks about how to follow the principle of “openness, equality, competition, choosing the best”, and using open selection, two-way choice and other measures to set up the competing system for chief prosecutors, improving the chief prosecution system and promoting public prosecution Department of the standardized management process.
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