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农民工工资拖欠现象普遍存在,在建筑业中尤其突出,如何面对社会上存在的一些现象,在保护、维护农民工合法权益,近几年引起了社会和政府机关的关注和高度重视。通过各种法律、法规的建立和规范执法人员的工作力度,进一步落实和解决农民工工资拖欠问题。1.农民工工资拖欠存在的原因农民工工资拖欠的问题是多年来一直存在的问题,原因有多方面。1.1农民工工作不稳定,追求短期现象计时或计件工作制,大部分农民工没有和用人单位签订劳动合同,劳动权益无法受到法律的保护,给一些无良知的老板榨取他们血 Migrant workers wages arrears widespread, particularly prominent in the construction industry, how to deal with some of the social phenomena, in protecting and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers in recent years has aroused the attention of social and government agencies and attach great importance. Through various laws and regulations to establish and standardize the work of law enforcement officers to further implement and solve the problem of arrears of wages of migrant workers. 1. The Causes of Peasant Worker’s Arrears of Arrears The problem of peasant workers’ arrears of wages has been a problem that has existed for many years. There are many reasons for this. 1.1 migrant workers work instability, the pursuit of short-term phenomenon of timing or piecework, most migrant workers and employers have not signed a labor contract, labor rights and interests can not be protected by law, to some unscrupulous boss extract their blood
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好孩子不是夸出来的,是赞美出来的。正确的赞美方式应该是描述型的。    我是一个标准的马大哈,出外走一圈,经常会将身外之物“布施”出去。因此,我身旁的亲人往往都会自动担任起“拾遗”的工作,就连小小年纪的儿子也不例外。  “妈妈,你的外套。”  “妈妈,皮包忘记了。”  “妈妈,妹妹还在车上啊!”  一次儿子跟我出门,在出租车上睡着了,被叫醒下车时,迷糊中忘了提醒我拿伞。当得知我又将伞“送”给了司机
Nowdays large numbers of young rural residents move to cities in expectations of better work opportunities. Statistics show that there are 230 million migrant workers in China – a figure that implies
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