
来源 :中国斜视与小儿眼科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a381697182
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为探讨玻璃体切割术在治疗儿童眼外伤中的作用和效果,对31例(31眼)年龄12岁以下儿童眼后节外伤行玻璃体切割手术的效果进行了回顾性分析。31眼中6眼为单纯玻璃体切割,其余联合巩膜环扎、外加压、或气液交换或SF6硅油内充填,其中15眼联合晶体切割。结果:22眼(70.97%)手术成功,其中锐器伤成功率为80%,钝伤50%,爆炸伤71%,眼内炎75%;外伤性视网膜脱离9眼,手术复位率33.33%;晶体切割眼手术成功率66.67%。结论:玻璃体切割术对儿童眼外伤具有重要治疗价值;外伤性视网膜脱离是眼外伤手术失败的主要原因;晶体切割可能是评估眼外伤玻璃体切割手术预后的指标之一。 To investigate the role and effect of vitrectomy in the treatment of ocular trauma in children, retrospective analysis was performed on the effect of vitrectomy on 31 cases (31 eyes) of children under 12 years of age undergoing ocular trauma. Among the 31 eyes, 6 eyes were simple vitrectomy. The rest were combined with scleral cerclage and external compression or gas-liquid exchange or SF6 silicone oil filling. Among them, 15 eyes combined with vitrectomy. Results: Surgical operation was successful in 22 eyes (70.97%), of which the successful rate of sharp injury was 80%, the blunt injury was 50%, the blast injury was 71% and the endophthalmitis was 75%. The traumatic retinal detachment was 9 and the rate of operation was 33 .33%; the success rate of crystal cutting eye surgery was 66.67%. CONCLUSION: Vitrectomy is an important therapeutic value for children with ocular trauma. Traumatic retinal detachment is the main reason for the failure of ocular trauma. Crystal cutting may be one of the indicators to evaluate the prognosis of vitrectomy for ocular trauma.
长期以来,在语文教学实践中,阅读占有最为重要的地位。然而,往往是老师教得苦,学生学得累,处于低效甚至无效的状态。究其根本原因,是教师对学生阅读兴趣激发不充分,学生思维能力低下。作为一名初中语文教师,我一直尝试结合初中学生的认知特点,有意识地激发学生的阅读兴趣,从而提升学生的思维能力。  片段一:  “快看,快看,老师写错字啦!”  “哈哈,老师也写错字啦!”  ……  班上学生哄笑成一片。  我回
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