《Statgraphics统计绘图入门详论》是我的第一本作品,时值1990年9月,指算算,13年来,我已经撰写了60本以上的书籍,其中大部份都与数据库相关。在这期间,正逢PC硬件与软件产业高速发展,我何其有幸,能够恭逢其盛,与其一起成长。 1992年时,因缘际会,我开始与微软公司密切配合。11年来,不仅见证其成长与茁壮的发展历程,对其相关数据库软件的演进更有深刻体会。这些年来的人生历程,就好比是PC软件的演进史,在记忆中留下不可抹灭的影像,愿将
The first entry in Statgraphics is my first book, titled September 1990, which means that over the past 13 years I have written more than 60 books, most of which are database related. During this period, coincided with the rapid development of the PC hardware and software industry, I have the honor, to honor it, to grow with them. In 1992, due to fate, I started working closely with Microsoft. In the past 11 years, it not only witnessed its growth and robust development, but also had a profound understanding of the evolution of its related database software. These years of life, is like the evolution of PC software history, leave indelible memory in memory, would like to