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在许多国外媒体大力宣扬人民币应升值之际,福建省的一份调研报告却反映了另一种问题的趋势:随着开放领域的扩大,关税的降低,福建省2003年上半年的顺收与顺差的差额已进一步缩小,因此下降39.4%。而这主要源于进口售汇量的大幅增加,其无形中印证了周小川行长在接受《金融时报》采访时说的一句话:对经常项目平衡进行预测存在不准的问题,随着进口量大幅增长,现在评定人民币高估或低估为时过早。但是,福建省的趋势变化是“一叶知秋”还是寻常的“潮起潮落”,还应继续关注和研究。 As many foreign media vigorously promote the appreciation of the renminbi, an investigation report in Fujian Province reflects the trend of another issue: With the expansion of the open area and the reduction of tariffs, the compliance of Fujian Province in the first half of 2003 The difference between the surpluses has been further reduced, so a decrease of 39.4%. This is mainly due to the substantial increase in the volume of imported foreign exchange sales, which virtually confirms the statement made by Zhou Xiaochuan in an interview with the Financial Times: There is a problem with the prediction of the current account balance. With the import The sharp rise in the volume is now too early to assess the overvaluation or undervaluation of the renminbi. However, the trend of change in Fujian Province is “knowing what to leave behind” or the unusual “ebb and flow”, and should continue to pay attention to and study.
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本文讨论了防火幕装置设计中可以改进的几点意见。 This article discusses several suggestions that can be improved in the design of fire curtain installations.
主办单位 :神策广告传播有限公司 德国伊诺瓦 (innovatherm)有限公司联办单位 :贵阳铝镁设计院 沈阳铝镁设计院支持单位 :上海铝业行业协会 德国瑞德哈默 (Riedhammer)有