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  1. What does the woman mean?
  A. She didn’t watch the movie.
  B. She enjoyed the movie.
  C. She thought the movie wasn’t worth watching.
  2. When does the man get off work on Thursday?
  A. At 5:00 pm.
  B. At 6:00 pm.
  C. At 4:00 pm.
  3. What can we learn from the woman?
  A. They don’t like weekends.
  B. They are all very busy serving customers.
  C. They don’t serve steak.
  4. What favor does the man want the woman to do?
  A. Go to the washroom.
  B. Call his friend.
  C. Watch his bag.
  5. What do many people think of the apartments in New York City?
  A. They are too expensive.
  B. They are valuable.
  C. They are small.
  6. Why wouldn’t the woman’s car start?
  A. The engine was broken.
  B. The battery was dead.
  C. It ran out of petrol.
  7. What do we know about the woman from the conversation?
  A. She bought the car not long ago.
  B. She will return the battery.
  C. She wants to get some petrol.
  8. Who is probably the woman?
  A. A secretary.
  B. A managing director.
  C. A saleswoman.
  9. Why does the man make the call?
  A. To sign a contract .
  B. To tell Bush his phone number.
  C. To discuss business matters.
  10. What is the relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Interviewer and interviewee.
  B. Customer and waiter.
  C. Boss and employee.
  11. Why does the woman want to resign from her present company?
  A. She hasn’t got a promotion.
  B. She isn’t satisfied with her salary.
  C. The company isn’t doing well.
  12. What can we infer about the result from the conversation?
  A. The woman won’t get the chance to work there.
  B. The woman will start to work there soon.
  C. The woman will get a higher salary there.
  13. Why has the woman come to Prague?
  A. To enjoy herself.
  B. To see a friend.
  C. To attend a conference.
  14. How does the man advise the woman to get around?   A. By subway.
  B. By bus.
  C. By taxi.
  15. If the woman get a daily pass every day during her stay,how much she will pay?
  A. 6 dollars.
  B. 18 dollars.
  C. 24 dollars.
  16. What can we learn from the conversation?
  A. The conference center is quite far from the hotel.
  B. The pay by trip on the subway depends on the distance.
  C. It is easy to get lost at the subway station.
  17. Why does Long Lake Camp become choice of many campers?
  A. Because of its size and special creative programs.
  B. Because of its location.
  C. Because of its long history.
  18. How many staff members are there at the camp?
  A. 154.
  B. 69.
  C. 145.
  19. Which is not mentioned to be provided at the camp?
  A. Wonderful meals.
  B. Stage performances.
  C. Challenging classes.
  20. How long does the camp last?
  A. A fortnight.
  B. A week.
  C. A month.
  If you search for“parenting books”on Amazon,more than 60,000 results will appear. How would you possibly know where to start? Here are books that may give you some help.
  For new parents who want one solid book
  This classic“baby manual”by Penelope Leach is a solid,practical book to keep on hand. Leach deals with everything from the basics,like teething,to the difficult,such as talking to your child about a second baby. One parent in our group describes it as“informative and concise.”
  For expectant dads
  “The Ultimate Guide for Dads-to-Be,”by Armin A. Brott and Jennifer Ash,is the typical book for dads. Over 20 years old,the book is in its fourth edition and now includes new sections like relationship with adopted children. Several dads in our Facebook group have read this book and then went on to read other books of the series.
  For parents who want to understand their baby’s brains
  “Strategies to Train Your Child’s Developing Mind”sets out to explain to parents two essential things:
  1. What is going on in your child’s developing brain that leads to all those bad temper and generally unreasonable nature.
  2. Strategies for not just surviving it but actually helping to promote healthy brain development.
  For parents of full-blown kids
  Surviving the pregnancy,baby and toddler years is no easy period. Then again,neither are homework battles and endless sports and activities. As my own son gets older,I’ve realized that parenting doesn’t necessarily get easier,it just gets different.   KJ Dell’Antonia’s“How to Be a Happier Parent”came out last year and is the book we need for parenting our kids as they grow into the teen years.
  21. Whose book will you read if you need overall information about looking after a new baby?
  A. Penelope LeachB. Armin A. Brott
  C. KJ Dell’AntoniaD. Jennifer Ash
  22. What can you learn from“How to Be a Happier Parent”?
  A. How to adopt a child.
  B. How to control your temper.
  C. How to develop children’s brains.
  D. How to deal with teenager children.
  23. Where is the passage probably from?
  A. Tour guide.B. A magazine.
  C. A fiction book.D. A commercial.
  Imagine you enter a car with no steering wheel,no brake or accelerator pedals. Under a voice-activated command,you say an address. The car responds and starts moving all by itself. All you have to do is sit back and relax.
  How weird would it be if,one day in the future,everyone had such a car? No crazy driving,no cutting in; traffic laws would be respected and driving much safer. On the other hand,imagine the cost savings for local police enforcement and town budgets without all those speeding and parking tickets.
  A new technology has the potential to change modern society in radical ways. There’s no question that self-driving vehicles could be an enormous benefit. The potential for safer cars means accident statistics would drop: some 94% of road accidents in the U.S. involve human error. Older drivers and visually—or physically—impaired people would gain a new level of freedom. Maintaining safe speeds and being electric,self-driving cars would greatly reduce pollution levels and dependency on non-renewable fuels.
  But we must also consider its impact on those who now depend on driving for their livelihoods. According to the U.S. Department of Labor,in May 2018 there were 505,560 registered school bus drivers. The American Trucking Association lists approximately 3.5 million professional truck drivers. The companies developing self-driving vehicles should be partnering with state and federal authorities to offer retraining for this massive workforce.
  New technologies will,and should,be developed. This is how society moves forward. However,progress can’t be one-sided. It is necessary for the companies and state agencies involved to consider the consequences of these potential changes to build a better future for all.
  24. What won’t be present in a driverless car?   A. A voice-control system.
  B. Tyres.
  C. Seats.
  D. A steering wheel.
  25.Who would benefit a lot from the self-driving technology?
  A. Registered school bus drivers.
  B. Senior drivers and the disabled.
  C. professional truck drivers.
  D. Local police.
  26.According to the passage,which of the following statements is TRUE?
  A.You would have to sit at the back seat in a driverless car.
  B.Government would save a lot on budget for maintaining traffic laws.
  C. Driverless cars would reduce pollution because they depend on non-renewable fuels.
  D. Some of the road accidents in the U.S. are related to human errors.
  27. What opinion may the author agree with?
  A.New technologies are the driving force of development of society.
  B.Companies should cooperate with government to develop new technologies.
  C.The negative impact brought by the self-driving technology can be avoided.
  D.It is totally each individual’s duty to get adapted to the changing world.
  Researchers led by DrRuth Mayo and PhD candidate Yonat Zwebner at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem examined whether a person’s appearance can be influenced by their given name.
  To do this,they recruited independent observers and showed them photographs of faces of complete strangers. Then they presented a list of names to the observers and asked them to choose the stranger’s real name based on his or her facial appearance.
  In a series of studies,the observers repeatedly identifying a person’s name correctly based on their facial appearance alone. For example,upon looking at the face and considering four possible names—Jacob,Dan,Josef or Nathaniel—observers correctly chose“Dan”38 percent of the time,significantly above the 25 percent chance level of a random guess.
  “Our research demonstrates that indeed people do look like their name,”said Dr Ruth Mayo,senior lecturer in the Department of Psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.“Furthermore,we suggest this happens because of a process of self-fulfilling prophecy(預言),as we become what other people expect us to become.”
  However,while observers were good at matching faces to names in their own culture,they were not good at doing so in a foreign culture.
  The researchers also found that observers are less good at guessing the given name of people who use a nickname exclusively. This indicates that a person’s appearance is affected by their name only if they use it,and not if it simply appears on a birth certificate.   Future research could examine the precise nature of the theory leading to this face-name matching effect,for example how a person’s name matches his or her face at different stages of life. Another question worth exploring is why some people have a very high face-name match while others have a low match.
  28. What were the participants of the research asked to do?
  A. Observe faces of strangers and guess their name.
  B. Identify criminals from pictures.
  C. Match faces to names based on their facial appearance.
  D. Examine the precise nature of the face-name matching theory.
  29. What does the underlined word mean?
  A. frequentlyB. only
  C. rarelyD. excessively
  30. What can we infer from the passage?
  A. More researches could be done to further understand the relation between names and faces.
  B. What a baby will become is determined by his name.
  C. Observers’guesses are rarely influenced by culture.
  D. The research shows that most people have a high face-name match.
  31. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?
  A. To persuade parents to give their kids beautiful names.
  B. To appeal to readers to do more researches.
  C. To demonstrate the possible relation between a person’s look and his given name.
  D. To teach readers how to match faces to names.
  Cancer patients could increase their chance of survival and help stop their cancer spreading by taking aspirin(阿司匹林),new research suggests. The daily pill was found to increase the chance of surviving cancer by 20 percent.
  Scientists at Cardiff University made the discovery after analyzing data from studies of some cancers. They found that patients who took low-dose(低劑量)aspirin in addition to their usual treatment reduced their possibility of dying,or the cancer spreading,by one fifth over five years.
  “There is a growing body of evidence that taking aspirin is of significant benefit in reducing some cancers,”said Professor Peter Elwood,from the University of Cardiff,who led the research.“While we know a low dose of aspirin has been shown to reduce the possibility of catching cancer,its role in the treatment of cancer remains uncertain. As a result,we set out to conduct a search of all the scientific literature.”
  The team collected data from five trials and 42 studies. Although a known risk associated with taking aspirin on a daily basis is bleeding in the gut,the researchers found no evidence of this being serious or life-threatening. Researchers say the study highlights the need for trials to show if aspirin should be recommended alongside current cancer treatments.   Professor Elwood added:“While there is a desperate need for more detailed research to prove our review and to obtain evidence on less common cancers,we’d urge patients diagnosed with cancer to speak to their doctor about our findings so they can make a decision as to whether or not they should take a low dose of aspirin as part of their cancer treatment.”
  Baroness Delyth Morgan,Chief Executive at Breast Cancer Now,said:“This study adds significant weight to the idea that a drug as simple and cheap as aspirin could help treat breast and other cancers.
  “Clinical trials are going on to confirm whether aspirin could be added to routine treatments for breast cancer. Further research is needed to understand exactly which patients would benefit from aspirin and enable us to direct it to the most appropriate individuals.”
  32. According to the passage, what if patients take aspirin regularly?
  A. It can stop all cancers spreading.
  B. It can strengthen their immune system.
  C. It can be life-threatening.
  D. It can reduce the possibility of catching cancer.
  33. The writing purpose of the passage is to________.
  A. Figure out whether patients should take aspirin.
  B. Discuss whether aspirin could be added to routine treatments for cancers.
  C. Prove that aspirin can stop the spreading of cancer.
  D. Test the possible risks and benefits of taking aspirin.
  34. Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?
  A. Scientists have found increasing evidence that aspirin is beneficial in reducing some cancers.
  B. Scientists have confirmed aspirin could help treat breast and other cancers.
  C. Scientists made the discovery by analyzing a mass of data.
  D. Scientists urge patients with cancers to speak to doctors about the findings.
  35. Which of the following could be the best title?
  A. A new research on cancer
  B. Good news or bad news?
  C. A cheap and simple way to help beat cancer?
  D. Aspirin——a magic medicine
  How To Get the Sleep You Need
  Is there anything worse than desperately needing sleep but not being able to get it?36 . Over the long run, it can also contribute to depression, obesity, stroke, and even cancer. Fortunately, science has begun explaining sleep’s mysteries, producing more natural strategies for improving our time in dreamland. We’ve listed many of the latest ideas here.   Don’t Go Toward the Light
  Tapping on your phone or laptop right up until bedtime is obviously a bad way to reduce stress level. 37. Our brains react to the blue light given out by computers, smart phones as much as they do to daylight, which gets us to stay awake.
  Be Aware of Unexpected Attacks
  Although it’s one of the most infamous sleep disrupters, caffeine can still approach you unexpectedly. Hot chocolate, for instance, can contain up to 20 milligrams—enough to bother people who are sensitive. Certain heart and blood pressure medications can also make sleep more difficult.38.
  Don’t Worry About It
  People often think they won’t be able to function if they don’t have a good night. Such anxieties can transform what would have been a rough night or two into long-time sleeplessness. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps you identify the roots of your problem.39.For example, you can tell yourself that if you lose sleep, it’s ok and you’ll still get through the day.
  Besides decreasing the anxiety that can keep you from falling asleep, meditation may actually help restore your brain in much the same way sleep does. Researchers found that people improved their sleep after only 40 minutes of meditation, while people who meditated for several hours a day appeared to need less sleep than non-meditators.
  A.Meditate for a while
  B.Decrease your anxiety
  C.Ask your doctor for alternatives.
  D.Often it involves relaxation training.
  E.It’s not just a matter of feeling tired.
  F.And it turns out that the gadgets themselves cause sleep problems.
  G.The sleep-loss epidemic is the last public health challenge we would like to face.
  Thanksgiving Day was near. The first grade teacher gave her class a fun 41—to draw a picture of something for which they were 42 .
  Most of the class would 43 the holiday with turkey and other traditional goodies of the season, which, the teacher thought, would be the 44 of most of her students’art. And they were.
  But Douglas made a different kind of picture. He was the teacher’s true child of misery, frail and unhappy. One could only guess the 45 Douglas felt 46 those sad eyes. When asked to draw the picture, he drew a 47 . Nothing else.
  His abstract image 48 the attention of his 49 . Whose hand could it be? One child guessed it was the hand of a farmer, because farmers 50 turkeys. Another 51 a police officer, because the police protect and care for people. Still others guessed it was the hand of God, for God feeds us. And the discussion went—until the teacher almost forgot the young 52 himself.   When the children had gone on to other assignments, she 53 at Douglas’desk, bent down, and asked him whose hand it was. The little boy looked away and 54 ,“It’s yours, teacher.”
  She recalled the 55 she had taken his hand and walked with him here or there. 56 had she said,“Take my hand, Douglas, we’ll go outside.”Or,“Let me show you how to 57 your pencil.”Or,“Let’s do this together.”Douglas was most thankful for his teacher’s hand.
  The story 58 more than thankfulness. It says something about teachers teaching and how much it 59 to the Douglases of the world. They might not always say thanks, but they’ll remember the hand that 60 out.
  If you’ve ever visited London, it’s likely that you’ve heard the loud chimes(鸣响)of Big Ben, the 157-year-old clock bell of the UK’s Houses of Par原liament(议会).
  The sound of Big Ben is familiar 61 Londoners. It rings every hour to tell the time, and on special occasions like New Year’s Eve or royal weddings. News broadcaster ITN even uses its sound as part of its background music, 62(mean)that Big Ben is heard daily across the UK, not just in London.
  But on Aug 21, the world’s most famous bell,which weighs 13.5 tons, 63(fall)silent. This is because the Palace of Westminster’s Elizabeth Tower, 64 houses Big Ben, needs65(repair). The workers who’ll carry out the repairs don’t want their ears to be damaged by the sounds of the huge bell, reported BBC News. It is not until 2021 66 Big Ben will ring again regularly.
  There’s been quite 67 emotional response to the move. Several members of parliament gathered in front of the Houses of Parliament to hear the bell’s last regular chime for four years. A few even shed tears, as if they were attending a friend’s funeral.
  But a number of 68(politics)are angry about the lengthy silencing of Big Ben, calling 69a symbol of Britain, according to BBC News. And some members of public agree with it.“It’s our heritage,”David Dummigan, from Cumbria in the north of England, told The New York Times.“People come from all over the world to look at it and listen to it. It’s part of British history.”This kind of emotional reaction70(link)to“fears about Britain losing its voice and place in the world”, according to CNN.
  Worries aside, fans of Big Ben will still be able to hear its unique chimes during special occasions such as New Year’s Eve.   第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)
  Graduation is a time when we move on from school to university or out into the really world. Before graduating from school, we usually have a variety activities, like taking pictures, leaving encouraged words to one another in memory of our friendship. We also giving presents to our teachers to express our thank and show respect.
  However, I have mixed emotions about moving on. I want to stay and have more fun with their friends, and I will have to move on. Graduation means taking the step forward. Graduation is coming if we are ready or not. Let’s make great efforts so that our dreams will be come true.
  2.首句已给出。Dear Sir or Madam,
  As one of the faithful audience of your broadcasting station, I want to tell you that I like your pop music program most.
2020年山西省成人高考各科试卷继续采取网上评卷的方式。  一、答题卡格式  答题卡的设计格式:答题卡设计采用选择题和非选择题一体化设计,英语、医学综合科目采用A4答题卡,其他科目采用A3答题卡。  答题卡卡面包括手写信息区;贴条形码区;注意事项区;缺考标记区;选择题填涂答题区;非选择题答题区;选择题图像扫描定位点;A、B卷识别點;答题卡图像扫描定位点;科目识别点;背面卡头手写信息区十一个部分。样
因为乘车时间大都在晚上,去北营站的小路又偏僻,所以来往其间的大多是男生。出于安全原因,女生很少走北营站,偶尔有女同学出现,也是结伴搭伙而行,但只有一个女生“DNA”除外。  我跟“DNA”认识纯属偶然。因为车站小,候车的学生大都挤在仅有的几条长椅上。慢慢地,经常出没于此的学生就熟了起来。“DNA”的与众不同,不是她长得漂亮,而是因为她学习的劲头太大。她学习的刻苦劲儿让人佩服,至少我是感动的。那时候
观察背景:  我们选择观察的区域是位于活动室一角的一个半封闭式、独立的游戏区角———“理发屋”,区内投放了大量的理发模拟道具,“理发屋”开设将近一个星期了,受到了全班女生的热烈欢迎。幼儿在游戏中自主、自愿游戏,提高了幼儿的动手操作能力、交往能力以及语言表达能力。今天早上,为了去“理发屋”活动,小白、楠楠和欣欣早早来到了幼儿园。  观察对象:小白、楠楠和欣欣。  观察时间:早晨7:50———8:40
二、文言文阅读:21~29小题,共30分。  (一)阅读韩愈《张中丞传后叙》中的一段文字,然后回答21~23小题。  籍时尚小,粗闻巡、远事,不能细也。云巡长七尺余,须髯若神。尝见嵩读《汉书》,谓嵩曰:“何为久读此?”嵩曰:“不熟也。”巡曰:“吾于书读不过三遍,终身不忘也。”因诵嵩所读书,尽卷不错一字。嵩惊,以为巡偶熟此卷,因乱抽他帙以试,无不尽然。嵩又取架上诸书试以问巡,巡应口诵无疑。嵩从巡久,
本试题卷共150分,考试时间150分钟。  一、选择题:1~20小题,每小题2分,共40分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。  1.文艺复兴时期经典画作《创造亚当》的创作者是  A.达·芬奇B.米开朗琪罗  C.拉斐尔D.凡·高  2.下列选项中,属于时间艺术的是  A.电影B.绘画  C.戏剧D.音乐  3.古希腊主张艺术起源于模仿的哲学家是  A.卢梭B.亚里士多德  C.