
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:justle
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我多次参加了高中,中专招生考试的阅卷和试卷分析工作。发现选择题、是非题、判断题的失分率很高。这反映了学生对基本概念理解不深、掌握不牢、运用概念解决问题的能力不强。原因是教师授课时对概念的内涵外延没交待清楚,对学生分析推理能力培养重视不够,训练太少,学生不会审题或审题不细致。为提高学生解上述类型题目的能力,我作了探索,改进教法,并确有成效。现把我的教法举一例于下,与同志们研讨。现行初中化学课本P44习题第一题的类型仅仅在P15、P31的习题中出现过,但对学生来说解好这题还是有困难的,仍有必要进行解题指导。首先要求同学仔细审题,明确题目要求,分析 I have participated in high school and secondary school enrollment exam examinations and analysis. The odds of finding multiple-choice questions, right and wrong questions, and determining questions are high. This reflects the students’ poor understanding of the basic concepts, their inability to use them, and their inability to use concepts to solve problems. The reason is that teachers did not explain clearly the concept’s connotation when teaching, and they did not pay enough attention to students’ ability of reasoning and analysis, and training was too few. Students did not examine questions or examined questions in detail. In order to improve the students’ ability to solve the above-mentioned types of problems, I have made explorations, improved teaching methods, and have been effective. I will now take one example of my teachings and discuss with the comrades. The type of the first question of the current junior middle school chemistry textbook P44 exercise only appeared in the exercises of P15 and P31, but it is still difficult for students to solve this problem, and it is still necessary to provide guidance on problem solving. First of all, ask students to carefully examine questions, specify the requirements of the questions, analyze
合肥市教育局及所属学校几年来围绕培养“四有”新人目标,全面贯彻党的教育方针,广泛开展创建“文明学校”活动,坚持用社会主义精神文明占领学校阵地,改变了人的精神面 Hefe
一、文学常识:填空(1)《春秋》三传是《》、《》、《》。(2)“四史”是《》、《》、《》和《》。 First, literary knowledge: fill in the blank (1) “Spring and Autumn
五、反语。反语就是说反话。运用与说话人的本意相反的词语或句子来表达本意,这样的修辞方式叫反语。 Fifth, irony. Irony is to say the opposite. The use of words or s