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血清蛋白与肝癌关系的分析山西省肿瘤医院(030013)温璐,张聪我院自1978年以来应用放射免疫方法检测血清中微量铁蛋白(简称SF),以帮助对某些恶性肿瘤的诊断及预后的判断。现将47例原发性肝癌的SF情况报告如下。对象与方法检测对象均为住院病人,按1977年全国肿瘤会议诊断标准,Ⅰ期0例,Ⅱ期21例,Ⅲ期26例;年龄在24~73岁之间;男45例,女2例。全部病人均在入院初未行特殊治疗的(化疗、手术、输血)测定SF值。采用中同原子能科学研究所提供的放免试剂,严格按说明书进行操作。由于其正常值变异范围较大(≤240μg/L为正常),本文将≥250μg/L定为肿瘤阳性值。结果1.不同类型肿瘤SF值比较见表12.肝癌期分期与SF的关系:21例Ⅱ期中9例阳性,26例Ⅲ期中18例阳性。3.SF与AFP的阳性比见表2。4.经治疗达PR、S和NR的SF值比较见表3。讨论机体发生某些肿瘤疾病时SF浓度就会异常升高。本文肝癌、肺癌SF阳性率较高,胃癌、食管癌、淋巴瘤、乳腺癌较低,但肝癌SF阳性率为57.44%,,可能是由炎症、肝功损害、缺铁性贫血等一些其它因素所致。尽管AFP在原发性肝癌中阳性率达70%左右,但仍有部分为阴性或 Analysis of the relationship between serum protein and liver cancer Shanxi Provincial Cancer Hospital (030013) Wen Wen, Zhang Cong Since 1978, radioimmunoassay has been used in our hospital to detect trace ferritin (SF) in serum to help diagnose certain malignancies. The prognosis is judged. The SF status of 47 cases of primary liver cancer is now reported as follows. Subjects and methods were detected in inpatients. According to the diagnostic criteria of the National Cancer Conference in 1977, there were 0 cases in phase I, 21 cases in phase II, and 26 cases in phase III; the age ranged from 24 to 73; 45 males and 2 females. . All patients were measured at the beginning of hospital without special treatment (chemotherapy, surgery, blood transfusion). Use the radioimmunoassay reagents provided by the Institute of Atomic Energy Research and strictly follow the instructions. Due to the larger range of normal variation (≤240μg/L is normal), this article will set ≥250μg/L as the positive value of the tumor. Results 1. The SF values ​​of different types of tumors are shown in Table 12. The relationship between liver cancer staging and SF: 9 of the 21 patients in phase II were positive, and 26 of the 26 patients in phase III were positive. 3. The positive ratio of SF to AFP is shown in Table 2. The SF values ​​of PR, S, and NR after treatment are shown in Table 3. The SF concentration will increase abnormally when discussing certain tumor diseases in the body. In this study, the positive rates of liver cancer and lung cancer were higher in SF, and gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, lymphoma, and breast cancer were lower, but the positive rate of liver cancer SF was 57.44%. It may be caused by inflammation, liver damage, iron deficiency anemia, etc. Due to other factors. Although the positive rate of AFP in primary liver cancer is about 70%, it is still partially negative or
在我科收治的多例患有腮腺区肿块的病员中,有2例发生误诊。本文特就此临床资料作一报告,并对造成误诊的原因进行讨论。 病例报告:1.王×,右耳下肿块一月。初时先有肿痛,经抗
本文用三株抗人肺癌单克隆抗体McAb N_(35)、SIA_2、F_(19)与肺癌组织进行免疫组织化学染色,观察三种McAb与肺癌组织及各型非恶性肿瘤组织、其它癌组织的反应性。共做各型人
食管癌病人行手术切除,胸内胃代食管是一种常用术式,但术后出现胸壁切口疝尚未见报道。本院发现一例报告如下: 患者男性、65岁,住院号12582,因诊断“食管中段癌”于1988年10