
来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wucong520123
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贯彻党的十四大精神,进一步深化改革、扩大开放,发展社会主义市场经济的新形势,客观上要求企业思想政治工作必须求实创新:求经济发展之“实”,创改革开放之“新”。开拓创新,增强企业思想政治工作服务经济建设的力度。随着经济机制的转换,我们的思维方式、工作内容和方法也要相应地进行调整和改进。首先,要转变思想政治工作“自成体系”、“自我中心”的旧观念,树立思想政治工作服从服务于经济建设的新观念;要转变单纯依靠政工部门做思想政治工作的 Implementing the spirit of the 14th CPC National Congress, further deepening the reform, expanding the new situation of opening up and developing the socialist market economy, objectively requires that the ideological and political work of enterprises must be realistic and innovative: seeking the “truth” of economic development and creating the “new” reform and opening- . Pioneering and innovative, and enhance the ideological and political work of enterprises to serve the economic construction efforts. With the transformation of economic mechanism, our way of thinking, work content and methods should be adjusted and improved accordingly. First of all, we must change the old concepts of “self-contained system” and “self-centeredness” in ideological and political work and establish a new concept of serving ideological and political work in accordance with the service of economic construction. We must change our attitude of relying solely on political work departments to do ideological and political work
《南齐书·天文志》中的天象纪事,在纪时方面还存在若干谬误,今本(中华书局点校本)校犹未尽。笔者不惴谫陋,略述管见四十余条,以就正于专家学者。 1.(建元)二年闰正月乙酉,
欧盟(CEC)正考虑一个办理审批程序的计划,以便使那些邮电部门仍然垄断电信业的欧洲国家中,其它的运营商可以进 步降低虚拟专营话音和数据业务费用。该计划可使现在依靠邮电
一.对数学概念学习的现状分析  在当前的新课程理念下实现不同数学现实基础上的“再创造”是大家共同关注的话题。那么如何才能在自然平和的数学学习体系下实现这一目标呢?笔者认为,唯有以反思为核心的数学教育才能实现。但是纵观各类相关研究文章,大多是对数学问题的题后反思,很少涉及对数学概念本身含义的反思,因而也就容易事倍功半,收效甚微。因为各种数学性质和思维方法无不由概念本身衍生出来,只有真正理解概念,才能
The main aim of this paper was to calculate soil organic carbon stock(SOCS) with consideration of the pedogenetic horizons using expert knowledge and GIS-based
Understanding the relationship between hillslope soil loss with ephemeral gully and rainfall regime is important for soil loss prediction and erosion control. B