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第一次见到 POLO 是两年前在东方广场的大众展厅,当时感觉大众一下推出了好多款车:POLO、BORA、GOLF……再问价格,才真正感觉到汽车时代已经向自己逼近了。一个冬日的早晨,我如常打车去上班。车到东四十条桥碰上红灯。这个时候,左侧超上来一辆红色 POLO,我被她的美艳惊呆了。绿灯一亮,那车启动,闪转向灯,然后优雅地拐弯,消失在茫茫车海中。那种亮丽、绚目、斑斓的红色给我一种前所未有的快感。我对自己说:“我喜欢上了 POLO,就在东四十条立交桥上。”从此,我在路上总是有意无意地留心着过往的 POLO,尤其是法兰红的。当然,还有幻想绿、反射银、爵士蓝……时光荏苒,购车一事提上了日程。我曾给自己算了一笔账:公司离家直线距离4.1公里,每天来回打车却要30元以上。加上周末满北京乱窜,一个月下来就要八九百元。够养一辆车的啦!虽然这么说很牵强,但买车前的“自欺欺人”和舆论导向还是非常有必要的嘛!我将买车的日程定在国庆节后,鼠标一点,我来到 POLO 论坛, POLO was the first time I saw the public showroom in the East Plaza two years ago, when the public felt a lot of cars launched a lot of publicity: POLO, BORA, GOLF ... Ask the price, I really feel the car era has approached to himself. On a winter morning, I used to drive to work as usual. The car hit the East 40 Bridge red light. This time, the left over a red POLO, I was shocked by her beauty. The green light, the car started, flash turn lights, and elegant turn, disappear in the vast car sea. The kind of bright, brilliant, gorgeous red gives me an unprecedented pleasure. I said to myself: “I love POLO, just over the 40 East overpass. ” Since then, I always carelessly and consciously on the road past the POLO, especially the red flange. Of course, there are fantasy green, reflective silver, jazz blue ... ... Time flies, car was put on the agenda. I have given myself an account: the company from a straight line distance of 4.1 kilometers, but a round-trip taxi every day but more than 30 yuan. Coupled with the weekend over Beijing chaos, a month down eighty or nine hundred dollars. Enough to raise a car it! Although it is very far-fetched, but before buying a car “self-deception” and media-oriented or very necessary it! I will buy a car’s schedule is set after the National Day, the mouse that I Came to POLO forums
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