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本文分析了新时期企业档案管理工作中的挑战和机遇,提出了新时期搞好档案工作的具体措施。伴随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立和信息技术的飞速发展,对档案管理工作提出了新的挑战,也带来了新的机遇。面对挑战,档案人员必须转变观念,立足企业发展开展档案工作。档案部门要改变档案管理方式,变被动的管理资料为主动的提供服务,为企业的科研、生产服务,这是档案管理工作的立足之本;加大宣传力度、得到领导重视,提高全员档案意识,这是搞好档案管理工作的立足之本;加大宣传力度、得到领导重视,提高全员档案意识,这是搞好档案工作的必要条件;建立健全完善的档案管理制度是档案管理工作发展的重要基础;实现档案现代化管理,这是社会发展的必然趋势。档案管理部门必须积极探索适应现代企业的档案工作新思路、新方法,否则将无法适应新时期的挑战。而且要及时抓住新时期带来的机遇,加速拓展档案管理的范围,开发档案信息的利用价值,确立起档案的重要地位。 This article analyzes the challenges and opportunities in the enterprise archives management work in the new era and puts forward specific measures to improve archives work in the new period. With the establishment of China’s socialist market economic system and the rapid development of information technology, new challenges have come up to file management and new opportunities have also emerged. In the face of challenges, archivists must change their concepts and base their efforts on archival work in enterprise development. Archives departments to change the file management methods, change passive management of information to provide services for the scientific research, production services, which is based on the archives management work; step up publicity, get the leadership attention and improve the full file Consciousness, this is to do a good job archives management based on the foothold; increase propaganda efforts, get the leadership attention and improve the full file awareness, which is a necessary condition to do a good job archives; establish and improve the file management system is the file management An important basis for development; to achieve the modernization of archives, which is the inevitable trend of social development. The file management department must actively explore new ideas and methods to adapt to the modern enterprise’s archival work or it will not be able to adapt to the challenges of the new era. Moreover, it is necessary to seize the opportunities brought by the new era in a timely manner, accelerate the expansion of the scope of archives management, exploit the value of archival information and establish the important position of archives.
晋冀鲁豫普通高校第 16届成人高教研讨会 6月 1日至 6月 5日在我校召开 ,来自四省 2 1所普通高校的领导、研究人员和管理人员会聚一堂 ,就我国成人教育发展的有关问题进行了
<正> 由王慎之所著,上海人民出版社推出的《中观经济学》,不仅填补了我国经济理论研究的一块空白,而且开阔了一层新的视野。与西方的社会经济发展进程相适应,逐步形成了微观经济学和宏观经济学两大体系。前者是以马歇尔的一般均衡及厂商理论为代表,后者是以凯恩斯的政府调节和财政、货币政策为发端。至于中观经济问题,虽然偶有提及,但始终未能形成完整的理论体系。我国国内的经济理论,过去主要把生产关系作为研究对象,经济分析一般以公有制为起点,因此大多带有宏观性质。生产力经济学的建立,开始打破单一的理论框架,经济
在日前结束的新世纪黑龙江省散文创作研讨会上,与会者深入学习贯彻江泽民总书记“七一”重要讲话精神,坚持以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,繁 At the seminar on prose crea