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用食盐水为电解质溶液,碳棒和铁钉作两极(如图),向碳棒一边溶液中加入2—3滴酚酞试剂,三分钟即可明显看到酚酞变红色,这是由于溶解在溶液的氧气发生了如下反应: O:+ZH:Q+4e(来自洗订)-,4OH- 由于在实验过程中碳 Saline solution was used as the electrolyte solution, carbon rods and iron nails were used as the two poles (as shown in the figure), and 2-3 drops of the phenolphthalein reagent were added to the solution of the carbon rod. The phenolphthalein became red in three minutes because the solution dissolved in the solution. The following reactions occurred with oxygen: O:+ZH:Q+4e (from bookbinding)-,4OH- due to carbon during the experiment
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以襄渝线襄樊至胡家营区段为例,分析了既有接触网在达速提速中出现的问题,提出了相应的对策。 Taking the Xiangfan-Hujiaying section in Xiang-Yu-Xian-Xian-Xiang line a
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一、新乡地区路网的发展及运量的增长 1.路网的发展随着京九、侯月线的相继开通,客货运量的迅猛增长,新菏线在路网中的作用日益明显。新菏双线建成后,向西经新焦线,与太焦、
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现行初中物理课本第一册第188页图8—11所示的实验是一个验证被压缩的弹簧能够做功的实验,我校没有现成的仪器,我们用下面两种方法做此实验,都比较方便,而且效果也好. The
本文从机车质量分析工作的常见应用入手,阐述EXCEL办公软件及VBA语言在质量管理、分析工作中的应用方法及其意义。 This article starts with the common application of lo
一、单项选择题 1.如图1—1所示,质量是1千克的木块,在与斜面平行向上二的拉力F=8牛作用下,以加速度大小是2米/秒~2沿斜面匀加速上行,设斜面倾角是30°,若突然撤去此拉力F,