
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq452723692
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目的:了解农村婴幼儿喂养现状,为进一步干预提供依据。方法:采用定量方法利用自编问卷对陕西泾阳县6个乡的311名儿童母亲进行现况调查;采用定性方法组织12名儿童母亲进行专题小组讨论,了解影响母亲喂养行为的因素。使用中位数、均数、标准差、频数、卡方检验等方法分析定量资料;使用分类归纳法分析定性资料。结果:定量调查显示,88.4%的母亲认为婴儿6个月内纯母乳喂养好,但6个月内纯母乳喂养率为55.3%;44.4%的母亲了解正确添加辅食的时间,但适时添加辅食率为26.1%;分别有92.9%、97.4%、76.2%的母亲认为应该每天给6个月及以上的孩子吃鸡蛋、蔬菜或肉类,但每周给6个月及以上的孩子添加6次及以上鸡蛋的比例为38.9%、蔬菜47.9%;给7个月及以上孩子每周添加1次以上肉类的比例只有21.6%。定性结果表明,没有坚持纯母乳喂养的母亲主要是自认为母乳不足而过早加辅食;过晚添加辅食的母亲主要是认为8个月以下的孩子对乳类以外的食物难以消化;不给孩子添加肉类食物的母亲主要是认为孩子1岁牙长好了才能消化肉类。结论:6个月婴儿纯母乳喂养率和适时添加辅食率低于同期其他农村地区水平,辅食种类单调,动物性食物摄入明显不足。建议加强对妇幼保健人员的培训,更新相关知识,提高健康教育技能;开发适合农村家长的科普书报、杂志等健康教育材料。 Objective: To understand the status of infant and young child feeding in rural areas and provide basis for further intervention. Methods: The self-made questionnaires were used to survey the status of 311 mothers in 6 townships in Jingyang County, Shaanxi Province. 12 mothers of mothers were selected to discuss the factors influencing mother’s feeding behavior. Quantitative data were analyzed using median, mean, standard deviation, frequency, chi-square test, etc. Qualitative data were analyzed using classification and induction. RESULTS: A quantitative survey showed that 88.4% of mothers believed that infants were exclusively breastfeeding within 6 months, but only 65.3% of them were breastfeeding within 6 months; 44.4% of mothers knew the correct time to add complementary foods, Were 26.1%; 92.9%, 97.4%, 76.2% of mothers thought that they should eat eggs, vegetables or meat for children of 6 months and above every day, but 6 times a week for children of 6 months and above and The proportion of above eggs is 38.9% and vegetables are 47.9%. Only 21.6% of the meat is added once a week to children of 7 months and above. Qualitative results showed that mothers who did not insist on exclusive breastfeeding mainly pretended to be prematurely dependent on their lack of breast milk; mothers who added complementary foods too late mainly considered that children under 8 months were difficult to digest foods other than milk; they did not give children The mother who adds meat food mainly thinks that when the child is one year old, he can digest the meat. Conclusion: The rate of exclusive breastfeeding and the rate of complementary feeding at 6 months are lower than that of other rural areas in the same period. The types of supplementary food are monotonous and the intake of animal food is obviously insufficient. It is suggested to strengthen the training of maternal and child health personnel, update relevant knowledge and improve health education skills, and develop health education materials such as popular newspapers, magazines and newspapers suitable for rural parents.
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