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第一條凡革命工作人員因公傷亡者,协本條例之規定褒印之。第二條革命工作人員死亡后,应由所在机关妥為安葬。棺葬費在缺乏木材地區得在不超過食粮八百市斤,在不缺乏木材地區得在不超過食粮六百市斤內实報实銷。並按下列規定予以褒卹: (1)凡對敌鬥爭或因公光榮犧牲者給予烈士稱號。其家属称烈属。由所在机关填具‘革命工作人员牺牲明書’,發至共原籍(市)人民政府換发‘革命犧牲工作人員家属光榮紀念證’,按下列規定給其家属一次抚卹費: 甲、勤、警人員食粮六百市斤; 乙、區长、县科長級以下人員食粮八百市斤; 丙、縣長級人員食粮一千市斤; 丁、專員极以上人員食粮一千二百市斤。 Article 1 Where revolutionary staff members are dead or dead, the provisions of these Regulations shall be complimented. After the death of the second revolutionary staff member, it shall be properly punished by the authorities. Coffin funeral costs in the absence of wood in no more than 800 food jin jin, timber areas in the absence of no more than six hundred kilograms of food in the actual report. And according to the following provisions to be commended: (1) where the fight against enemies or sacrificed to the public due to the title of martyr. Its family is called a genus. Fill in the ’revolutionary staff’ s sacrifice brochures’ by the local authorities and send them to the people’s government of the same origin (city) for renewal of the glorious commemorative card of the families of the staff members of the revolutionary sacrifices. The family members will be given a pensile fee according to the following provisions: , Police officers food six hundred jins; B, the mayor, county chiefs below the level of food grains eight hundred catties; C, magistrate level food grain one thousand jin; Ding, commissioner above the pole food 1200 people jin.