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赤壁大战全景画馆位于武汉龟山峰脊,是一座双环形天坛式建筑,总高25.8米,内径45米,占地约3500平方米,总建筑面积16644平方米,总投资4700万元,由武汉东建集团策划、兴建,1995年开工,1999年12月20日开馆营业。画馆内的“赤壁之战全景图”全长135米,高18米,由28位著名艺术家耗费5年时间精心绘制而成,整体规模居亚洲第一、世界弟三。画中有吴、魏将士100多人,战马10700多匹,战船5000多艘,古树9000多棵,乌鸦3万多只,场面壮阔宏大,令人叹为观止。2005年初,由著名作家、全国人大代表、武汉市政协委员池莉等人向武汉市政协提交了《关于取缔龟山武赤壁画馆的提案》,认为该建筑有损龟山风貌,建议拆除,由此引发了一场拆与不拆的“赤壁”之争,同时引起了广大群众、各方面人士及有关领导的高度关注。本刊将主张拆与不拆双方陈述的有关事实和理由作客观报道。目前,“赤壁画馆”尚未拆除,但其最终结果如何,我们将继续追踪报道,亦请广大读者及社会各界人士给予关注。 Located in the peak of Turtle Mountain in Wuhan, the Red Cliff War Museum is a double-ring shaped Temple of Heaven with a total height of 25.8 meters, an inner diameter of 45 meters and an area of ​​about 3,500 square meters with a total construction area of ​​16,644 square meters with a total investment of 47 million yuan. East Building Group planning, construction, started in 1995, December 20, 1999 opened the business. The museum's “Panorama of Red Cliff” is 135 meters in length and 18 meters in height. It has been elaborately painted by 28 famous artists for five years. The overall scale of the museum is the highest in Asia and the third in the world. The painting has Wu, Wei soldiers more than 100 people, more than 10700 horse horses, warships and more than 5,000 ships, more than 9,000 trees, more than 30,000 crows, the scene magnificent grand, breathtaking. In early 2005, famous author, NPC deputies and CPPCC Wuhan Committee member Chi Li and others submitted to Wuhan CPPCC “Proposal of Banning the Kameyama Mochi Mural Painting Hall” and considered the building detrimental to the Kameyama style and proposed dismantling, thus It triggered a dispute over “Red Cliff” between demolition and non-demolition. At the same time, it attracted the great attention of the masses, people from all walks of life and the leaders concerned. The magazine will advocate disassembly and disassembly of the facts and reasons stated in the report objectively. At present, the “Red Cliff Museum” has not yet been demolished. However, its final outcome will be followed up by the readers and the public from all walks of life.
埃米尔·费雪,1852年10月9日出生在一个实业之家,是德田著名的化学家;  1869年,17岁的费雪以全班第一名的成绩毕业于波恩大学预科班,随后因病在家休学。