Writer Studies at Ningbo University

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  Though her name on her student card and other official documents at the International College of Ningbo University is Wong Wai Khum, her classmates and friends on the campus all call her Bo Yi, or Miss Bo Yi. Bo Yi is Wong’s penname. By this name, she is widely known in the Chinese literary circles of Malaysia and the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan. She has been a director and deputy secretary-general of the Malaysian Chinese Writers Association for nearly 20 years.
  As a matter of fact, readers on the mainland and surrounding regions are quite familiar with Wong’s writings. Her short essays frequently appear in the literary supplements of the overseas edition of People’s Daily, Shenzhen Daily, Xinmin Evening News and Tianjin Daily. She once wrote a regular column for Yangcheng Evening News in Guangzhou. Her essays have also appeared in newspapers in Hong Kong and Macao. In 1995, Hebei Education Press put on the market a series of collections by overseas Chinese writers. One of them was a collection of stories by Wong.
  With her ancestral roots in Heshan, Guangdong Province of China, Wong was born in Malaysia in 1964. The Chinese tradition and culture nurtured her in her childhood years. Her writings appeared in local Chinese newspapers when she was still a middle school student. The teenage writer was regarded as a rising literary star by the Chinese literary circles of Malaysia. Upon her graduation from middle school, she was employed as a trainee by a Chinese newspaper in Kuala Lumpur. While working as a journalist, she took a college course offered by Xiamen University, a remote education course taught in Kuala Lumpur. She finished college education and was promoted a senior editor at the newspaper.
  None of the Chinese writers in Malaysia has published more novels than Bo Yi. Her 15 publications include novels, novellas, short stories and essays. Five titles were published on the Chinese mainland and in Taiwan. The film and television rights of a novel hers have been purchased by China Film and Television Company and another novel has been adapted into a film script. Over the past 20 plus years, she has won about 30 literary prizes at home and abroad. She has appeared in various television talk shows.
  As a Chinese descendent, Wong loves both Malaysia and China as the land of her ancestors. After she became well known as a writer, China and Malaysia began to enjoy good relations. The friendly changes between the two countries have deepened, giving her a lot of opportunities to visit China with cultural and religious groups from Malaysia. She has visited Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Hangzhou, and Guangzhou. When Chinese scholars visit Malaysia, she always finds time to go with them. Bo Yi has many friends in China.
  Though a successful writer, Bo Yi believes she needs improvement. With a desire to explore psychology more meaningfully and more incisively in her novels, she wanted to quit her job as a journalist and go abroad to take a college course in psychology. She chose Ningbo University, for the university has two professors prominent in psychology. Her purpose for further studies is not just psychology. The experiences will be valuable too.
  She keeps a low profile at Ningbo University. She majors in psychology and her selected courses include Chinese philosophy, English literature and tourism aesthetics. In her spare time, she loves to chat with her classmates from all over the world. In holidays and during weekends, she and her friends tour the major sightseeing sites around Ningbo.□
我在卢旺达期间,结识了一位当地的姑娘,名叫卡娅斯。十月的一天,卡娅斯邀请我参加她姐姐卡西斯的婚礼,我正想了解当地人的一些风俗,便一口答应了。卡娅斯没想到我这个外国人会欣然答应,高兴得手舞足蹈起来。然后我们约好星期天的早上,我在住处的大门口等她来接我一同前往。  星期天一大早,我按中国人的风俗用红纸包了礼金,并用简单的卢文附了祝词。当我来到大门口时,她果然站在那里,看得出她等了很长时间。在路上从她的
美国华侨史研究泰斗离世  美国太平洋时间2009年5月21日,著名华裔历史学家麦礼谦教授因病在其旧金山寓所与世长辞,享年84岁。 与他相伴半世纪多并一直陪侍在病榻的太太张玉英透露,先生的身后事一切从简,其生前友好于6月20日为他举行了追思纪念仪式。  麦礼谦与死神搏斗已近两年。  身为海外华侨史料的热心收集者,麦先生临终前一天仍然心系华侨华人史研究,嘱咐麦太太为他带去1939年旧金山华侨集资建设的
On May 4th, 2009, the 90th anniversary of the May 4th Movement, Li Zhaoxing gave a lecture on his diplomatic career at Zhijiang Hotel in Hangzhou. Nearly 1,000 youngsters from middle schools, colleges
马寅初为求学投江   马寅初出生时,有算命先生言:此子贵不可言,五马俱全;马年马月马日马时生,还姓马。做生意的父亲对他寄予厚望:让他当个不错的账房先生,光大祖先传下来的小生意。虎头虎脑的马寅初竟以投江自杀来抗争,终于获准离开家乡去读书。从上海到天津,再到美国纽约,最后拿回了耶鲁大学的经济学博士学位。  (史叶)    知十分行七分  少年时的曾国藩十分聪明,9岁时就把五经读完了,八股文也写得不错。
Tang He (1326-1395) was appointed to command an army to repel the invading Japanese pirates in January, 1384, the 17th year of the reign of Emperor Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Large groups
从不为食物发愁  2009年“六一”前夕,受国内一家电视台委托,笔者一行到南太平洋群岛拍摄一部反映当地土著居民生活的纪录片。从澳大利亚悉尼转机,向东飞行约3小时,就到了充满传奇色彩的瓦努阿图。  这个面积为1.2万平方公里的袖珍岛国,由86个岛屿组成(其中20多个为无人岛),全国人口不足20万,多为美拉尼西亚人。20世纪中叶,这里散居着几十个原始部落,1980年才宣布成立瓦努阿图共和国。  从空中
2008年8月8日晚,北京第二十九届奥林匹克运动会开幕式现场。  全世界的目光都聚焦在中国首都的“鸟巢”——国家体育场。  夜幕下,“鸟巢”华灯璀璨,流光溢彩。可容纳9万多人的体育场内座无虚席,群情激动。  19时50分,在欢快的乐曲声中,我国和世界各国领导人以及奥委会负责人走上主席台,向观众挥手致意。全场响起持续不断雷鸣般的热烈掌声。  一道耀眼的光环,照亮古老的日晷。  2008尊中国古缶击打
随着间谍大剧《潜伏》在各大电视台的热播,该片女主演——“大嘴美女”姚晨再度进入人们的视线。  电话里约姚晨接受采访,本以为还要套一番近乎,没想到她爽朗地答应了。当姚晨现身眼前的时候,第一印象是:果然如传说中所言,嘴特别大。大概她瞧出了笔者的心思,一笑,嘴更大了,“我的爱情缘分,就是从这张大嘴开始的……”    “大嘴”邂逅“小眼”,  欢喜冤家演绎浪漫爱情  姚晨的老家在福建石狮,生在福建南平。她
93-year-old Ding Cong passed away on May 26th, 2009. His wife composed a letter and put it on his chest as a way to say farewell. Ding Cong once concluded that he felt happy he did one thing right: he
那年4月,一对瑞典王室夫妇,从遥远的波罗的海边一个美丽的城市,飞到了原是芦苇丛生的湖州荻港来寻根。  当地淳朴忠厚的乡民们听说有外国的一位王子带着妻子来寻祖,就列队敲锣打鼓欢迎他们,像过大喜的日子一般。通往这位瑞典王子祖坟的泥泞小道上铺盖了稻草以代地毯,让这对从瑞典来的远方客人前往坟地祭祖。这位瑞典王室成员真连做梦也没有想到:他能在离他那么遥远的乡村遇上章氏血统的祖祖辈辈们。这里的乡亲个个把他当成