勃勃生机 无穷魅力——中国渔药发展之展望

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改革开放以来,中国渔业发展十分迅猛,1995年水产品总产量达2517万吨,已占全国肉类食物生产总量的三分之一,比上年增长了18.4%,这比畜禽等肉类总量11%的增长速度还高出许多。以江苏省为例,水产养殖产量从1985年的30多万吨上升到1995年的120多万吨,十年翻了两番。但在水产养殖发展的同时,由于水域环境污染的逐渐加剧,以及大规模、多品种、高密度、集约化养殖方式的普及,使各种病原体易于滋生、繁殖和传播,鱼虾病害日趋严重。据有关部门提供的数据,目前中国鱼虾病害种类已达200余种,养殖总量中因病害造成的损失达15—30%,其中淡水鱼年损失10亿元左右,海水养殖的损失在35亿元以上。为此,水产养殖中各种病虫害的防治,已日益为人们所关注和重视。在这种形势下,水 Since the reform and opening up, China’s fishery has developed rapidly. In 1995, the total output of aquatic products reached 25.17 million tons, which accounted for one third of the total meat production in the country, an increase of 18.4% over the previous year, which is more than meat and livestock. The growth rate of 11% of the total class is still much higher. Taking Jiangsu Province as an example, aquiculture production increased from more than 300,000 tons in 1985 to more than 1.2 million tons in 1995, which has quadrupled in a decade. However, at the same time as the development of aquaculture, due to the gradual intensification of environmental pollution in water areas, and the popularization of large-scale, multi-variety, high-density, and intensive farming methods, various pathogens are easy to breed, reproduce and spread, and fish and shrimp diseases have become increasingly serious. According to the data provided by relevant departments, there are currently more than 200 species of fish and shrimp disease in China, and the losses caused by diseases in the total culture amounted to 15-30%, of which the loss of freshwater fish is about 1 billion yuan, and the loss of marine aquaculture is 35. More than 100 million yuan. For this reason, the prevention and control of various pests and diseases in aquaculture have become more and more important to people. In this situation, water
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(985)乙醛 FEMA#2003,CAS#75-07-0;天然同—物;天然存在—园柚,笃斯越桔,干酪,咖啡,小萝卜,扇贝肉,橙汁;香气特征—辣,醚■,清新,尖刺,果香,霉香;尝味特征—■10PPM,辣,清新
(878)西印度肉豆蔻提取物来源—Universal Flavors 公司;FEMA#2792,CAS#84082-68-8;天然食用香料;天然存在—肉豆蔻;香气特征—辛香,木香,胡椒,青香,蜡香,花香;尝味特征—(?