火红的岁月 定格的青春——纪念内蒙古生产建设兵团组建40周年

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“光阴似离弦的箭,把我们带进2009年,一万五千多个日夜,弹指一挥间。当年稚气的脸庞,分明已有沧桑可辨,面对昔日帅气的小伙,却找不见熟悉的容颜。虽然我们已经年届花甲,虽然我们的风采已不比当年,每当老友相聚的时候,日子仿佛又回到了从前。40年前,同样一个多彩的季节,一群意气风发的少年,满怀生活的热望和对未来的憧憬与期盼,告别美丽而熟悉的城市,来到这陌生而广袤的草原。……40年后,我们又回到你的怀抱,塞外草原翻滚着绿色的波涛。我们白发童心豪情依旧,我们壮志未酬永不言老。40年的风雨已成历史,40年的坎坷在心底埋藏,但我们会把最美好的祝福织成哈达千条,献给草原……”——节选自《岁月如歌》纪念内蒙古生产建设兵团成立40周年乌拉盖联谊晚会诗朗诵在内蒙古这片热土上,曾经有这样一群青年,他们来自五湖四海,素昧平生;他们怀揣青春的热望,扛住了塞北荒漠、严寒的考验,屯垦戍边近十年。祖国的需要就是命令,他们将足迹深深地留在了内蒙古广阔的草原和平原上,他们共同的名字叫“兵团战士”。 “Time flies away from the arrow, bring us into 2009, more than 15,000 day and night, spring and night when the childish face, clearly has been vicissitudes of discernible, in the face of handsome guy, but to find Not familiar face .Although we have the annual flower, although our style is no longer than the year, whenever the old friend together, the days seem to have returned to the past.40 years ago, the same a colorful season, a group of high-spirited boy, Full of life’s aspirations and longing for the future and hope, bid farewell to the beautiful and familiar city, came to this strange and vast grassland ... ... 40 years later, we are back to your embrace, outside the grassland rolling green waves Our fairy pride is as before, and we will never speak of our aspirations.With 40 years of stormy history and 40 years of ups and downs in the bottom of my heart, we will bestow the best wishes on the prairie ...... ”- excerpt from the“ years of song ”commemorate the 40th anniversary of the founding of Inner Mongolia Production and Construction Corps Oulai cover friendship party poetry Recitation in this hot land in Inner Mongolia, there has been such a group of young people, they come from all corners of the globe, ignorant of life; they carry Spring aspirations, Kang Zhu Saibei desert, cold test, Cultivating in nearly a decade. The needs of the motherland are an order, and they have left their footprints deep in the vast grasslands and plains of Inner Mongolia. Their common name is “Corps Soldiers.”
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2月23日,美国《外交政策》网站刊发了美国知名中国问题专家唐安竹(Drew Thompson)的文章,对近20年来中国军事力量的发展变化等进行了分析评说。本刊特将此文编译出来,供读者
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