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  Millie: Oh no! Is it April 1st again, already?
  Jeremy: What’s wrong? Not a fan of April Fools’ Day?
  Millie: Sorry. I don’t mean to spoil your fun, being a 1)Debbie downer, but I don’t think it’s funny to fool people. I don’t think it’s right to get someone’s hopes up and then 2)dash their dreams. And it’s even worse to break someone’s heart and then expect forgiveness just cuz you say “April Fools!”
  Jeremy: Wow. I didn’t realize you had such a big problem with it.
  Millie: Yeah. The Day and I have a troubled past.
  Jeremy: Well, ①maybe I can make you feel less mad about it by telling you all the ways I’ve been fooled over the years.
  Millie: You? Really? ②You seem so up-to-date and in-theknow when it comes to trends and stuff.
  Jeremy: Exactly! My openness to the impossible made me the perfect April Fools’ target for my old colleagues, those professional 3)tricksters at Google.
  Millie: Oh, I had no idea you worked there, and certainly had no idea they were in the 4)trickery business.
  Jeremy: Oh, don’t be fooled, no pun intended, by their 5)nerdy exteriors, because digital tricksters are the worst. One year, they forwarded me a video link, but when I clicked on it, the video started playing upside-down.
  Millie: That’s not such a big deal. That happens sometimes when you go to a bad link.
  Jeremy: Yeah, but the website said that this was a new and improved format.
  Millie: And you believed it?
  Jeremy: Of course I did. You would’ve too. They posted it on a front page that: “Our internal tests have shown that modern computer monitors give a higher quality picture when 6)flipped upside down.”
  Millie: Then how were you supposed to watch it?
  Jeremy: It said to see the new format, viewers should either: “1) Turn your monitor upsidedown; 2) 7)Tilt your head to the side; or 3) Move to Australia.”
  Millie: Oh, those 8)sneaky coders. ③They’re too smart for their own good, if you ask me.
  Jeremy: And that was just one of many such 9)hoaxes that I’ve fallen for on April Fools’ Days past.
  Millie: What else?
  Jeremy: What else? Um…You know, the usual; flying penguin videos, false news reports, texts from family about a pregnancy or some other major life change. I swear they get me every time. You think I’d learn by now, right?
  Millie: Well, maybe it’s better we stay a bit na?ve. Keeps us young at heart and less 10)cynical, you know?   Jeremy: I wholeheartedly agree. Like a pair of happy fools.

  Smart Sentences
  ① Maybe I can make you feel less mad about it by telling you all the ways I’ve been fooled over the years. 或许我可以告诉你多年来我被各种方式愚弄的事情,使你感到不那么抓狂。
  all the ways: in different manners(不同的方式)。例如:Tomorrow, I’ll show you all the ways you can get in touch with Mike.
  ② You seem so up-to-date and in-the-know when it comes to trends and stuff. 说起流行趋势这种东西,你似乎很跟得上潮流,消息很灵通似的。
  in-the-know: knowledgeable or privy to special information(知情的,消息灵通的)。例如:
  Not too many people are in-the-know about this project.
  ③ They’re too smart for their own good, if you ask me. 如果你问我的意见的话,我觉得他们太精明会有麻烦的。
  too + adjective + for one’s own good: excessive in certain quality that could get sb. in trouble(因在某方面表现过度而惹来麻烦)。例如:
  I believe the company is growing too fast for its own good.我觉得公司增长太快,会有麻烦的。

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