Influence of nitrogen-alloying on the tempering properties of the martensitic stainless steel 00Cr13

来源 :Baosteel Technical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gsice0
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The mechanical and corrosive properties of 00Cr13Ni4Mo(S13-4N) were tested and compared with those of 00Cr13Ni6Mo(S13-6).The effects of nitrogen on the properties of the steels were analyzed.The results of the tensile and corrosion tests show the strength,the ductility,and the pitting corrosion resistance of S13-4N are higher,lower and poorer than those of S13-6 respectively,when tempered at a temperature below 550℃and vice versa when the tempering temperature is higher than 550℃.The results of the X-ray diffraction(XRD) and the electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) analyses reveal that inversed austenite appears at 550℃and the amount of it peaks at 600℃with the best ductility.And the total amount of the inversed austenite in S13-6 is more than that in S13-4N in different forms. Nitrogen performs better in terms of stabilizing inversed austenite while nickel is more favorable for forming inversed austenite,the amount and stability of which affect the ductility remarkably.The reason for the embrittlement of S13-4N at 450℃can be the result of carbide and nitride precipitating at grain boundaries. The mechanical and corrosive properties of 00Cr13Ni4Mo (S13-4N) were tested and compared with those of 00Cr13Ni6Mo (S13-6). The effects of nitrogen on the properties of the steels were analyzed. The results of the tensile and corrosion tests show the strength , the ductility, and the pitting corrosion resistance of S13-4N are higher, lower and poorer than those of S13-6 respectively, when tempered at a temperature below 550 ° C and vice versa when the tempering temperature is higher than 550 ° C. of the X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) analyzes reveal that inversed austenite appears at 550 ° C and the amount of it peaks at 600 ° C with the best ductility. And the total amount of the inversed austenite in S13 -6 is more than that in S13-4N in different forms. Nitrogen performs better in terms of stabilizing inversed austenite while nickel is more favorable for forming inversed austenite, the amount and stability of which affect the ductility remarkably.Th e reason for the embrittlement of S13-4N at 450 ℃ can be the result of carbide and nitride precipitating at grain boundaries.
他是众人缅怀的人民公仆、干部旗帜,同时也是有家有口、有血有肉的普通人。  作为6个孩子的父亲,他一个月能挣多少钱,够养活一家老小吗?是一个什么样的女人在支持他,免除家庭的后顾之忧……  焦裕禄,那些鲜为人知的背后故事,从身边人口中娓娓道来。  高工资 无财产  上有2位老人,下有6个儿女,焦裕禄和所有男人一样承担着养家糊口的责任。而他所生活的年代,工资几乎是家庭的全部收入来源。  1962年始为兰