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运用当代层序地层学的原理和方法 ,综合分析了地震、测井、岩心等资料 ,发现琼东南盆地经历了早期裂陷和晚期坳陷两大发育历程 ,相应划分出TejasA和TejasB两个超层序组 ;与盆地非海相、海相过渡相、生长断层、缓坡和被动大陆边缘背景演化阶段相匹配 ,形成了 5个超层序 .以不整合及其与之可以对比的整合为三级层序边界 ,识别出 19个层序 ,含 5 7个体系域、5 4个以上准层序组、196个以上准层序 .在盆地的不同演化阶段 ,沉积层序的不同点主要在于低水位体系域包含的沉积体系不同 .在恢复古地理环境的基础上 ,提炼出有关沉积层序模式 .根据可容纳空间分析 ,编制了本区海平面升降曲线 ,发现陵水中期、梅山早期和莺歌海早期三次大的海泛与全球变化完全合拍 .在纵向上 ,海进体系域至密集段生烃潜力最强 ,空间上以外陆架 -大陆坡最好 ,其次为滨沼或海陆过渡相 .指出了陆架坡折附近的低水位楔和斜坡扇是值得注意的隐蔽圈闭勘探目标 . Using the principles and methods of contemporary sequence stratigraphy, we comprehensively analyzed the data of the earthquakes, logging and cores, and found that the Qiongdongnan basin experienced two major developmental stages of early rifting and late depression, and the two super-formations of TejasA and TejasB Sequence stratigraphic group, and matched with the non-marine phase, the marine facies transitional phase, the growth fault, the gentle slope and the evolutionary stage of the passive continental marginal background in the basin, forming five super-sequences.The unconformity and the contrast with which can be integrated into three There are 19 sequences, including 57 system sequences, more than 54 quasi-sequence sets and more than 196 quasi-sequences.At the different evolution stages of the basin, the difference of sedimentary sequence mainly lies in Based on the restoration of palaeogeographic environment, the relevant sedimentary sequence models are extracted. According to the analysis of the accommodation space, the sea level rise and fall curves of this area are compiled, and the mid-Lingshui period, early Meishan and The three large sea breams in Yinggehai were in complete conformity with the global changes in the longitudinal direction, with the highest potential for hydrocarbon generation from the marine system tract to the intensive section, the highest spatial shelf-continental slope, followed by bangs or sea-land It is pointed out that the low water level wedge and slope fan near the slope of the shelf are the targets of the hidden trap exploration.
为研究气候变暖背景下长白山北坡长白落叶松(Larix olgensis)径向生长对气候因子的响应,采集长白山北坡两个海拔(1400和900 m)的树芯,基于树木年代学理论建立了长白落叶松年
进入20世纪70年代以后,黑人女作家异军突起,掀起了第三次美国黑人文学高潮。艾丽斯·沃克(Alice walker)是当代美国最杰出和最有影响力的黑人妇女作家之一。她对黑人命运问题