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   Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs, announced Tuesday that he has recently been diagnosed with lymphoma. Blankfein, who said he will continue to work as he receives treatment, is not the first company executive to make that difficult decision. Here are five others.
  Andy Grove, Intel
   Grove worked at Intel since its inception in 1968, according to the company’s website. He served as CEO from 1987 to 1998, president from 1979 to 1997, and Chairman of the Board from 1997 to 2005. Grove was diagnosed with cancer in 1995 and wrote an essay about his experience-“Taking on Prostate Cancer”—that was published in Fortune Magazine in May 1996. His doctor informed him that he had a“moderately aggressive”tumor in his prostate, for which he received treatment in the form of hormones, high doses of implant radiation, and external radiation. It was an aggressive treatment that lasted 28 days, during which he continued to work at Intel. A typical day started with a hospital appointment at 7:30 a.m. He would then go straight to work, leaving at 4 p.m. for an hour-long nap, and then complete his workday from home. He was able to beat his disease and continue working at the company. Today, many consider him to be a leqend and a role model for how to lead a business.
   Robert Benmosche. AIG
   Benmosche came out of retirement in 2009 to lead the insurance company through the financial crisis, when it received a significant government bailout. In October 2010, less than a year back at the job, he was diagnosed with lung cancer. He received aggressive treatment while continuing to work at the company. Under his leadership, AIG was able to fully repay a government bailout by 2012-a task that not many thought could be accomplished. He planned to reretire at the end of 2014. CNN reported that his plans accelerated when his doctor told him in May 2014 that he only had 9 to 12 months to live. Peter Hancock took over as CEO on Sept.1, and Benmosche stayed on in a consulting role. He passed away on Feb. 27, 2015.    2009年,已经退休的本默切特重新出山,带领这家刚刚获得一大笔政府救助资金的保险巨头度过了金融危机。2010年10月,重回工作岗位不足一年的本默切特,被诊断出肺癌。他一边接受积极治疗,一边坚持在公司工作。在他的领导下,美国国际集团终于在2012年之前还清了政府救助资金,完成了这项被许多人视为不可能完成的任务。他本计划在2014年底再次退休。但据CNN报道,在2014年5月,医生告诉本默切特,他只有9至12个月的寿命,这迫使他提前退休。9月1日,彼得·汉考克担任CEO,本默切特留在公司任顾问一职。他在2015年2月27日去世。
   Steve Jobs, Apple
   Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2003, which has only a 20% survival rate through the first year. He was always very vague about his health since the time he learned about his diagnosis and didn’t reveal it publicly until after his first surgery in 2004, according to ABC News. Jobs wrote an email to Apple employees saying that the surgery was successful. His health became a topic of discussion in 2006, and then again in 2008 when people began to notice that Jobs was getting very thin. The New York Times reported that it was not life-threatening, and not a cancer relapse, but was“more than acommon bug.”Jobs took a medical leave from the company in 2009 to receive aliver transplant, and then returned to work after recovering from his surgery. He took another medical leave in January 2011, and supposedly went to Switzerland to receive treatment that was not approved in the U.S. He remained on as CEO during that time and was involved in all major strategic decisions that were made at the company. In August 2011, he sent another email to the company saying that he was stepping down because his health has made it impossible for him to meet expectations as CEO. He died just a few months later on Oct.5.
   Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway
   Buffett was diagnosed with prostate cancer in April 2012, and was lucky enough to have caught it early. His first week following his diagnosis was business as usual. He and his doctors decided on radiation treatment. Many were surprised by this course of action. Reuters spoke to various experts on the subject who said that active surveillance6, otherwise known as“watchful waiting,”is just as viable an option when the disease is still at Stage 1, especially for an 81-year-old. Buffett wrote a letter to shareholders to inform them of his situation and let them know that he would be starting a two-month treatment in mid-July of that same year, and ensured them that he would let them know if there was any change. The New York Times reported that his treatments ended the following September. According to the Washington Post, there was no significant change in Berkshire Hathaway’s stock price during this time, suggesting that investors were not worried that his condition would affect how the company is run.    2012年4月,巴菲特被诊断出前列腺癌,幸运的是尚处早期。确诊之后的第一周,他仍像往常一样工作。他和医生决定进行放射治疗。许多人对这种做法感到意外。路透社曾与多位专家讨论过这个问题,对于早期癌症,尤其患者己经81岁,积极监测或者“观察等待”也是一种可行的方案。巴菲特在给股东的信中介绍了自己的病情,表示将在同年7月中旬接受两个月的治疗,并向股东们保证会及时告知病情变化情况。《纽约时报》报道称,巴菲特在9月份结束了治疗。据《华盛顿邮报》报道,在此期间,伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司的股价没有太大变化,这意味着投资者并不担心巴菲特的病情会影响这家公司的日常运营。
   Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan
   Dimon announced in July 2014 that he had been diagnosed with throat cancer. He added that it was treatable and that he would remain at the company as CEO, a decision of which the board said it was“totally supportive.”He has been CEO of JP Morgan since 2005 and chairman since 2006, and was one of the few CEOs to keep his job following the financial crisis. Investors feared his leadership would be compromised, and shares in the company fell immediately after his announcement. He told the WaH Street Journa/:“I took naps when I had to, went home early, and there were days when I was in treatment all day long.”His treatment lasted 8 weeks, and he would typically go into work after his morning appointments. Just five months after he announced his diagnosis, he was able to announce that he was cancer-free. Shares in the company immediately went up and he went back to working full time.
夏天已经悄悄地到来,天气也逐渐炎热起来。一提到热,同学们自然会想到“hot”,其实,表达“天气热”有很多方法,不同的国家和地区有不同的表达方式。下面我们就一起来看看各种各样的天气表达:   1. It’s so warm that the dog is chasing the cat, but both are walking! 热得狗都追不动猫了! —South Africa (南非)  
1928年夏,柔石来到上海见到仰慕已久的鲁迅,二人一见如故。鲁迅为柔石安排了住处,还邀请他吃饭。柔石视力不好,但无论是同鲁迅一起外出,还是在路上碰到,柔石总要主动搀扶先生。先生呢,虽然腿脚未有任何不便,但从不推辞。学医出身的先生知道柔石近视得厉害,他是怕路上的坑洼磕绊了柔石才接受“被搀扶”,这样先生就可以“引导”著柔石躲开脚下的障碍。这个原因,先生从未说破,只是在纪念柔石的文章中一语带过。  上海
The hostess apologized to her unexpected guest for serving an apple-pie without any cheese. The little boy of the family left the room quietly for a moment and returned with a piece of cheese which he
busybody不是指“大忙人”而是指“爱多管闲事的人”,white man不是“白人”而是“忠实可靠的人”,black stranger不是“陌生的黑人”而是“完全陌生的人”……在学习英语的过程中,我们总被提醒由于中西方文化的差异,对英文表达千万不可望文生义。不过,今天小编要说的是,有些英语表达可以根据字面意思来理解,可以望文生义。  1.Walls have ears.隔墙有耳。  例如:-D
家的附近有一位老太婆,常躺靠在廊前的摇椅摇来摆去,一种悠然坦荡的神态。她的手中恒常握一根黑得发亮的烟斗,也不抽,只是爱抚着,我急于要探问那一根烟斗的来路,才知道她既聋又哑。  后来爸爸对我说了烟斗的故事,是十年前老太婆当医生的丈夫健在时抽的,十年之后还恒常地握在她缩皱的手中。恐怕这样的睹物怀人才是真正的生死不渝,才是真正万劫不磨的情重!  (文/林清玄)
Once upon a time, in a small village in Turkey, there lived a mother and her loyal son. The son was known by all as Bald Boy because even though he was still quite young he had no hair on his head at
The witch, an iconic[标志性的] Halloween character, usually dressed all in black, with green skin, a tall pointy hat and flying a broomstick across a full moon. But witches aren’t just a Halloween cliché[
与其追问“生活阅历匮乏”的原因,不如想办法激励孩子们的想象力  上海市最近举行了以“我家的传家宝”为题的小学生征文比赛。令主办方意外的是,逾两万名学生的参赛作品中,“外婆留了一件补了又补的旧衣服”成了相当一部分学生笔下的“传家宝”。阅卷老师不禁感叹:“如今到哪里找上千件外婆的补丁衣衫啊?”  一写作文就“撒谎”,提到某个问题,就想到某个概念或既定形象,这是部分舆论对小学生写作状况的评价。有分析称,
人,作为群居动物,自幼脱离至亲的关怀,脱离温暖的家庭,心理与情感怎能不扭曲畸形,怎能不过早地体验社会的冷落与自我的孤独。  小说一开始是在南门这个地方发生,五岁时孙光林被卖给孙荡,故事的结尾中他又回到了南门。似乎,是他遭受遗弃后的回归,这个历程并不复杂,却在一个孩子身上烙下了深深的创伤。小说控诉孙光林承受来自家庭、学校、社会的压力,渗透人性的扭曲和政治的腐败。  弃绝感,与人们熟悉的孤独感不同。孤
冯小刚在《一九四二》发布会上面对诸多记者关于“为什么要用如此直接的方式揭当年的痛处”的提问时,淡淡地回了一句:“没什么值得掩饰的。”  的确如此。痛了,就直接说出来,让人们看到痛处,如此才能去治疗。否则,一直捂着伤口,不为他人所知,也许这会让人赞许你的坚强勇敢,却也可能使伤口溃烂,错过治疗的最佳时期,从此留下难以抚平的伤痕。  季羡林便是一位不掩饰自己苦痛的人。在《牛棚杂忆》一书中,他回忆当年文革