Cultivation of Primary School Students’ Interests in English Learning through the Selection and Appl

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  Abstract:Interest is the best teacher, if you are interested in something, we would like to devote ourselves to it.In this essay, after a introduction of the thesis and the literature review of this issue, I will come up with some opinions from my points of view in the selection and application of listening materials, the study scope includes the choice of difficulty, the content of the listening materials, the methods of practicing, the interaction of teachers and students and etc.
  In all, I just want to give some suggestions to the teacher and hope that the methods can be practical in class teaching .This is just where the significance of this article lies.
  Key words: Interest; listening materials; listening practice
  Interest is very important in the teaching process, many people are concerned with this theme in the reform of English teaching, and it has always been teaching English study knowledge based on the teachers’ teaching and study of languages as the standard while student community as the standard research is less. This article takes the student as the main body, the aim is to give clues of improving the English teaching.
  1The Factors that Affect the Primary School Students’ Interest of Listening
  First, as for the individual needs, teachers should try to meet their curiosity.It is the dominant requirement of students. And the next comes the self-esteem need, difficult listening materials are likely to make students feel frustrated. Therefore, you’d better protect students’ self-esteem. Finally, teachers should try to meet the needs of students’ pursuit of success. A little sense of achievement can make students have more confidence.
  In addition, when comes to the interaction with teacher, CLL advocators have proposed certain interactive structures which are considered optimal for learning the appropriate rules and practices in learning a new language. Therefore, the cooperation of students and teachers is of great significance. From the survey, we can also see that students want to cooperative, both with their classmates and teachers.
  Last but not least, the environment also plays a very important part. Good English learning environment and classroom atmosphere can stimulate students’ interest in study. In terms of listening,the use of multimedia can be very useful that arouses students’ enthusiasm for study. Listening to English radio, watching English TV programs, reading English books and newspapers are all good methods.   2The Strategies of Enhancing Students’ Listening Interests
  Through the investigation and analysis in the study, the thesis can draw the following conclusions.
  First, as for the choice of the listening materials, teachers should choose what can stimulate the students’ interest. It will not only enhance the listening level, but also give students an opportunity to increase extracurricular knowledge. The materials which can be chosen are as follows: some of the original sounds of Disney animation, the introduction of foreign stars and stories about foreign culture .
  Second, when it refers to the choice of difficulty , a difficult material will make them lose confidence and fade their enthusiasm away, but a simple content seems have no challenge. Therefore, in order to satisfy students’ self-satisfaction needs and self-actualization needs, it requires the teachers to pay attention to the choice of difficulty. Through the experiment and their own practice, the teachers can finally choose appropriate listening materials. It helps students to practice gradually.
  Third, we can try different methods, we need change the traditional teaching method and use varied teaching methods to attract the attention of students and to stimulate students’ interest in study and learning passion. In the listening training, you can use small games to make students change from passive learning to active learning or let students imitate movie lines. In addition, the use of the modern teaching means is also a very good method, in a listening process, if students are embedded with certain scenes or images ,it will make students enter English context more quickly.
  Finally, the teacher and student’s interaction in classroom can make atmosphere of class more actively. For example, as foreign language is an export language for students, what they must be faced with is the lack of the external language environment. In real life, students have no necessary of listening to the English, they did not speak English either. According to my understanding of students, the students like to imitate, the teacher can help students to set a scene, and then let students play the role and try to overcome the defects of not having English as their mother tongue. When teacher can organize the activities appropriately, not the listening skill can be practice, but also the spoken English.
摘 要:新加坡的职业教育雏形虽来自于德国,但在政府大力的支持发展下,目前可谓是亚洲的区域教育枢纽。新加坡的教育理念注重超前、创新与持续,强调“创意思维+终生学习”。  关键词:创意思维;终生学习;校企合作;因材施教  非常有幸的我能作为服装系的代表加入学院组织的教师赴新加坡职业院校的考察研修团。八月的新加坡美丽迷人,充满活力。在这两周里,我们走进了南洋理工(NYP)、共和理工(RP)、义安理工(N
摘 要:随着新时代信息技术的迅猛发展,倡导以人为本的主体教育——新课改也随之出现,成为了推进素质教育的又一着眼点,作为新世纪中国教育发展的生长点和突破口,体现了先进的教育教学理念,越来越受到教育工作者的认同和实践。  关键词:信息技术;课程改革;信息能力  信息化是当今世界经济和社会发展的大趋势,以网络技术和多媒体技术为核心的信息技术已成为拓展人类能力的创造性工具。为了适应这个发展趋势,我们就加强
摘 要:通过对河北省会计从业资格考试内容、形式、结构的研究,结合高校会计学科课程教育教学内容和方法,将会计执业资格和职称考试的内容与高校在校学生学习内容相结合,达到理论与实践相结合、学习内容与会计执业资格考试相互促进的目标,从各方面提高大学生的理论学习水平、实践工作能力、考试技巧,以便更好更快的适应大学生毕业后的社会环境和本职工作。  关键词:计算机题库;会计从业资格考试;会计基础;会计法  20
摘 要:本文主要是对互联网思维条件下高校宣传工作进行研究,进一步把握互联网思维时代高校宣传工作的新规律,有效解决当前高校宣传工作面临的难点和热点问题,提升宣传工作的时效性,增强宣传教育的吸引力和感染力,对内增强凝聚力,对外提升社会声誉。  关键词:互联网;新媒体;大数据;云计算;微信;微博  一、互联网思维下高校宣传工作研究背景  1.国外相关研究  美国是因特网的发源地,也是互联网业最早兴起的国
摘 要:中国的传统文化处处都体现着崇高的精神、优秀的品质,其蕴含的价值和意义相当显著。高校的思想政治教育是为了使学生拥有正确的人生观、价值观,树立崇高的人生目标,形成高尚的道德品质,因此,高校在对学生进行思想政治教育时可以结合优秀传统文化,让学生在充分了解我国的文化知识的同时,也能延续中华民族的优秀精神,成长为合格的现代化建设者。本文首先分析了优秀传统文化在高校思想政治教育中的价值所在,然后论述了
摘 要:近年来,党和国家高度重视大学生创新创业教育。本文对新时期高校思想政治教育突出大学生创新创业素质教育的必要性及内容和途径进行探讨,以期引起各位同行对高校思想政治教育突出创新创业素质教育的重视。  关键词:新时期;高职思想政治教育;创新创业素质教育  思想政治教育是精神文明建设的首要内容,也是解决社会矛盾和问题的主要途径之一。在当前大学生就业非常严峻的形势下,在“大众创业、万众创新”的时代浪潮
摘 要:独立学院作为高等教育的重要组成,在人才培养中发挥着至关重要的作用。学生党员是独立学院所有学生的优秀代表,分析独立学院党员培养过程中存在的问题并提出有针对性的对策有助于提高独立学院大学生的整体素质。  关键词:独立学院;党员培养;问题;对策  1 独立学院学生党员培养存在的问题  1.1 党组织生活实践力度不强  对于党员的教育管理制度,党内有明确的规定,如“三会一课”制度、培养联系人制度、
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摘 要:随着当今时代学生的身心特点变化,英语教学应多发挥趣味性。本文希望通过认知语言学的以反复使用为方式的洞察性习得语言习得理念,同以体验性与交际性活动为主要教学活动的外语教学观,通过教师呈现不同的情境下的语言材料,让学生通过主动的发现、归纳和运用以课堂情景剧的形式表现出来,通过有趣的课堂情景剧,让更多的学生参与到高职英语教学的课堂中,让英语课堂教学和学习过程更加深入和有趣,从而达到提高学生运用语
摘 要:教育的根本任务是立德树人,全面实施素质教育,然而当前高校中诚信教育不完善,考试作弊现象严重。研究当前大学生考试作弊的原因并分析加强大学生诚信考试的对策对于大学生诚信意识的培养具有重要意义。  关键词:大学生;考试作弊;原因;对策  大学生是国家的未来,民族的希望。大学生考试诚信的缺失,使国家在各类考试的管理中难度不断加大,考试的公平性受到挑战。为了遏制这种考试不诚信现象的继续蔓延的势头,政