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  The world is fast becoming urban and with this comes new challenges and opportunities for its resident’s particularly vulnerable groups such as youth minority groups and women. At least half the population of urban centers is female and the majority of literature on this group has been negative in its scope, choosing to focus on the numerous problems posed by urban life.Urbanization brings new opportunities and unexpected challenges for people. The challenges, in particular, are likely to be greater for groups such as the youth, minorities, and women. This paper seeks to fill the gap by taking a look at how women have single –handedly faced obstacles, overcome them, and are making good use of the opportunities and advantages afforded by urbanization.
  Context of the Literature Survey
  According to the estimates by the UN, over half of the world’s current population is concentrated, and is concentrating in urban areas. The biggest increase is occurring in the South, where a total of four billion people(nearly twice the current figure)are expected to inhabit cities by 2025.Rural-urban migration plays a significant role in this shift. They are, in general, the physically able and healthy youth who belong to the age group of 15-45 years.
  It’s a major challenge for governments to ensure the basic minimum needs for their urban population, especially in the South. On the other hand, the urban population growth in the North is either stagnant or declining, indicating a different set of challenges that governments have to address.
  It’s also noted that though largely men migrate to cities, in some places women also migrate both as family members and independently, voluntarily or involuntarily. In some places, the number of women migrants even out numbers men.
  The ratio of migration of the lower economic segment is in many cities higher than the middle and upper segments, and their level of vulnerability is much greater than the other groups. When it comes to gender, women in all socio-economic groups are equally or more vulnerable to these challenges.   社会各阶层都往城市迁移,在很多城市,低收入阶层的迁移比率比中级和高级阶层要高,同时他们的脆弱性也比其它阶层高。当涉及性别时,在所有的社会经济群体中,女性往往更容易受到这些挑战。
  Among these urban areas, the contribution of women is significant. However, women’s contributions are increasingly ignored at the macro and micro level by city officials,urban planners and development practitioners,who have exacerbated women’s burdens in terms of time and resources.
  It is well accepted that the resilience of women towards urban challenges is different from that of men. In cities, women face multiple challenges tthat men do not. Various studies in the literature have demonstrated that women living in urban areas are far more likely to report gender-based violence than those living in rural areas. Unfortunately, gender-based discrimination in the home and in the community continues to make it very difficult for women to exercise independent will and make basic decisions in their own lives.
  A UN-Habitat report stated that the higher growth rate and pace achieved by many cities in the last few decades have resulted in enormous problems. These include the quality of the environment, inadequate basic infrastructure and services,unemployment, increasing exclusion,rising violence,and feminized poverty. The biggest challenge in urban spaces lies in the fact that the opportunities at these cities offer often outnumber the demand for goods and services and well –being.
  Therefore, this literature review is not just an attempt to point out the gaps in the research on urbanization and women; it is also an attempt to highlight the scope of urbanization, and how women are taking the lead in making cities livable.
  Implications of Urbanization on Women
  Employment, Livelihoods and Poverty
  Perhaps most importantly, urban poverty, with its associated lack of infrastructure and services, means that daily domestic and care activities take up disproportionate amounts of time and energy. These duties tend to fall upon women, and often put a huge burden on women of all ages. Many women in poverty in the urban areas also start working to boost household incomes, often at a very young age. As a result, women’s workload, including paid and unpaid work, is generally more than men’s in cities.   或许最重要的是,由于缺少基础设施和服务,城市贫穷意味着日常的家务与看护活动占据了大量不成比例的时间与精力。这些责任将落到女性身上,并且给不同年龄的女性带来了很大的负担。很多女性,甚至常常很年轻就开始工作来补贴家用。所以,女性的工作负担,包括有偿和无偿的工作,往往比城市中的男性重很多。
  Cities are economic power centres of nations and thereby generate new opportunities for female employment and income-generation, especially in commerce and services. The engagement of women workers has moved beyond domestic service work to professional occupations and many production activities in informal sectors.
  Therefore, despite greater participation in the labor force, women tend to be concentrated in low quality work, with more precarious payment. This is because they need to reconcile paid employment with their primary responsibility of unpaid domestic and care work within households. Also, a consequence of the segmentation of labor markets along gender lines is that it prevents women from entering better paid and better protected careers.
  Informal Sector
  Infrastructure availability also plays a major role in providing access to workplaces in the urban environment. Travelling long distances to work and high real estate costs for workplaces result in informal workspaces, being the most practical choices. As a result, women workers in urban areas are likely to choose to engage in informal economic activities.
  Making the city space a safe place to conduct business with the support of the authorities still has a long way to go, which needs to improve living conditions for women in the city.
  According to the studies, in spite of the fact that the number of women in management positions is increasing, women continue to face a lot of significant barriers in the corporate world. While women increasingly attain roles in the lower levels of management, they continue to be markedly underrepresented at senior levels of the management hierarchy. Research has also demonstrated that the experience of female leaders is very different from that of male leaders. Female leaders generally tend to receive less favorable evaluations in comparison to their male counterparts, even that their responsibilities are identical.   据研究显示,尽管身处管理职位的女性数量正在增加,但是,她们在企业界仍面临着诸多困难。尽管获得低层管理职位的女性正在增加,但是她们在高层管理中明显未被充分代表。同时,相较于男性而言,女性领导者往往很少得到有利的评估,即使她们与男性做的是相同的事。
  In the US, the wage differential has been steadily decreasing over the past forty years. There are several factors thought to be affecting this trend: an increase in knowledge based business, a decrease in manufacturing, and most importantly, education. Therefore, it is essential to examine the impact that education has exerted on the wage differentials in developing countries, and whether or not concerted efforts have been made to make education a means of financial empowerment for women.
  Cities increasingly attract women because they offer more economic opportunities than rural areas do. This can be reflected by the changing sex ratios in urban areas.
  Studies have shown that gender equality in property rights is critical not only as human rights issue, but also as the key driving force of overall economic development, particularly in urban settings. The plight of women in poverty seems destined to continue unless there is significant reform and strengthening of laws, policies, and practices relating to ownership and control of property.
  Public Participation, Governance,
  Safety and Empowerment
  The urban setting provides two possible reasons for greater participation by women. The first is the ease of mobilization in an urban setting and the second is that women who are empowered by a waged income can now involve themselves in spheres outside the traditional domains.
  In terms of mobilizing political rights , there is a long history of women engaging in collective struggles in towns and cities around the world, for basic services and infrastructure, housing, healthcare. Moreover, women take leading roles in shifts resulting from economic restructuring. This ,combined with the demands generated by increased urban poverty, have pushed women to organize collectively, thereby contributing to new gender-based understanding and community practices in cities around the world.
  Women have played an active role in participatory urban governance and democracy promotion. Women’s participation is a key component for successful democratic processes. It facilitates direct engagement in public decision-making and is a means of ensuring better accountability to women. However, it is critical to inquire whether the increased democratic space, particularly in the developing world, has translated into increased participation of urban women.   女性积极地参与城市管理和促进民主,是成功的民主化进程中的关键因素。这使其能直接参与到公共决策的制定中,并且也是更好的保证女性权益的手段。与此同时,我们还需要清楚民主空间的增加,尤其在发展中国家,能否为妇女提供更多的参与机会,这一点至关重要。
  It has therefore become imperative for particular attention to be paid to women’s participation, given the dynamic forces of urbanization and the vulnerability of women in this process.
  UNFPA defines women’s empowerment through five major components: women’s sense of self-worth; their right to have and determine choices; their right to have access to opportunities and resources; their right to have the power to control their own lives, both within and outside home; and their ability to influence the direction of social change to create a more just social and economic order, nationally and internationally.
  Health, Fertility and Families
  Urban centers offer two contrasting possibilities for women – increased health and sanitation risks, and higher chances of sexual violence and insecurity. Cities also offer far more possibilities for proper health care, fertility management and other services because of their relative density. But many other factors influence their health and fertility related issues and decisions. On the other hand, high levels of poverty make any monetary or non-monetary sexual offer attractive to their non-migrant counterparts, which put them at exceptional risk.
  Poor hygiene in urban slums often displays a higher rate of communicable diseases. Also, cities that have high income inequality tend to have greater health problems as this implies a greater slum population residing in them. The restricted access to sanitation has severe implications for urban women’s reproductive health. Women who lack access to toilets, either due to non-availability or due to the paid nature of public toilets, often resort to open defecation. To protect their privacy, women often prefer to do this at night, but this exposes them to sexual assault. Efforts to restrict defecating and urinating during the day, can also affect women’s food intake; and a lack of toilets in schools can dissuade young women from attending them.
  城市贫民窟恶劣的卫生条件往往是传染病的高发区。同时,收入严重不公平的城市往往有更大的健康问题,因为这意味着更多的贫民窟人口。有限的卫生条件对城市女性的生育健康有着严重的影响。那些女性或是由于没有厕所可用,或是公共厕所的有偿性往往使得她们不得不随地排泄。为了保护其隐私,她们只好在夜晚排泄。然而,这让她们容易受到性侵犯。为了控制白天排泄,她们只能减少食物的摄取。另外,学校里厕所的缺乏使得年轻女性无法就学。   Fertility rates are generally lower in urban areas compared to rural areas. Urbanization has clear implications for family structures, and families develop coping strategies to deal with the challenges of urban areas. The number of women headed households is rising in the urban areas of the Global South due to the disintegration of the family caused by urbanization. This forces men to work long hours in urban centers. In addition, it has led to increased domestic violence and changes in marital relations.
  Planning and Environment
  It is widely accepted that urban planning at present is still gender-biased which indicates that urban centers still fail to bring inclusiveness in their structuring. Women constitute at least half, if not more, of the inhabitants of all urban spaces. Despite this they are largely ignored in the planning phases and are likely to suffer as a result of this exclusion, particularly in relation to violence.
  The basic approach to creating women friendly cities is to learn from women’s own experiences and incorporate them into creating inclusive spaces in cities.
  Social forces create gender inequalities that leave women more vulnerable, and thereby marginalized and disempowered. As a result, they find it difficult to express their needs and requirements to the authorities at the time of planning. Moreover, the restricted or utter lack of representation of women in the planning process also reduces the scope to reduce gender inequalities. Gender mainstreaming in planning is required to understand the views of women and men equally, especially when undertaking budgeting, consultation, design and evaluation of physical and social infrastructure such as housing , employment generation schemes, community services, transport and so on.
  However the stereotypical assumptions of urban policy-makers and planners about the ubiquity of male-headed households and nuclear families are being challenged, along with the production of methodologies.   然而,随着生产模式的改变,城市决策者和规划者惯有的男性主导家庭的观念正在接受挑战。
  Even though women may fill some posts, this has not been enough to further the incorporation of gender perspectives into urban programs. Access to social housing is often restricted to those who earn a regular wage in the formal sector or are able to supply regular inputs of labor. This excludes most of the women inhabiting the cities.
  For many women, especially poor women, the home is a productive space where they work to earn a living. This has implications not only for zoning but also for plot size and housing design. Planners need to understand how and where to best provide services and infrastructure to enable women to live efficiently and effectively.
  Another observation is that an adverse sex ratio, as in the case of India and China, combined with the advantages of urban life, ought to make a positive difference to how women are valued and perceived in urban communities. In light of this, a critical aspect is the settlement planning and design, which would focus on safety, given the problems of crime and sexual violence in many cities. Different women may face different risks to their security based on a host of overlapping characteristics that make them vulnerable.
  The technocratic efficiency of mono-cultural urban environments in this daily life is being criticized for making cities exclusive. Mono-functional urban polling contributes to the compartmentalization and segmentation among generations in contemporary society; Women need multifunctional urban spaces to balance their multi-tasking daily realities.
  The increased engagement of women’s groups and right–based organizations in addressing the gender disparity in urban planning is bringing some changes, though it is far below par. Meanwhile , it is also important to keep in mind that the challenges that emerge from the volatility of the urban environment are more severe than ever. In addition to this, continued rapid urbanization of the world’s population in the coming decade is going to be stressed by poverty and climate change. Climate change increases the vulnerability of coastal settlements to flooding and may lead to global food insecurity.An understanding of the gendered aspects of climate change, mitigation and adaptation is essential to ensure a more sustainable urban future.   针对城市规划中的性别差异,女性群体与女性权益组织的更多参与正带来改变,尽管其程度远低于应有的水平。同时,同样重要的是,应当记住城市环境波动带来的挑战正比以往任何时间都要严重。除此之外,在未来几十年中,世界人口面临持续快速城市化也承受因此而带来的贫困和气候变化的压力。气候变化使沿海定居地更易被淹,也可能导致全球粮食危机。从性别的角度考虑气候变化的减缓和适应对于保障一个更加可持续的城市未来至关重要。对于更加可持续的城市未来来说,至关重要的是了解不同性别对气候变化的减轻与适应能力的差异。
  Finally, the issue of women’s exclusion from urban planning has to be taken up by the post MDG(2015) agenda. This agenda must include inter alia ensuring that women are included in any new developmental framework.
  Conclusion and Looking Forward
  Urbanization is the defining feature of the century.Yet most of the literature on urbanization and social change does not include the transformative role that women play. As a summary note, the authors would like to highlight that there is an overwhelming similarity that prevails in the literature on urbanization&women or urbanization&gender. It’s very surprising to see that the literature representing the last one and half decades is seemingly quite similar in this arguments and statements and has little eviedence that brings out the experiences of women led urban development ,especially in emerging economies.
  While analyzing the literature ,the paper has identified some major research gaps in the specified sections below,which need serious attention.
  Women and Urban Economy
  Many studies have shown that Globalization has influenced the scale and nature of sustainability of urban areas across the world.The population of urban centers , particularly women , bears not only the brunt but also the benefits of globalizatioin. Hence the focus of future research should be on urban women. Another reason for this is that most development research related to women has been on the rural poor and rural women in particular; an emphasis on research related on urban women in the developing world is now called for.
  Planning, Governance, Environment and Safety
  Studies that have looked at the issue of urban planning /city spaces and women are very limited. From the literature survey, it is evident that there are a number of models and programs developed to address some specific challenges faced by women in urban spaces. But, it is felt that the documentation and the analyses of such experiments and innovations are weak or not disseminated properly. This needs to be addressed to propose effective intervention policies and programs to enhance women’s empowerment and participation in the urban areas. Since the increasing majority of the global population is going to be in the urban centers, it is important to develop better policies and programs that cater to the gender specific needs and requirements of the cities. It is essential to bring gender-equality in the planning, structuring, managing and framing of the strategies of city development and growth. Any failure in this regard would increase the vulnerability of all marginalized residents in cities, particularly women.   诸多研究已经关注了城市规划、城市空间,但是有关女性的问题仍然有限。不难发现,为了解决城市女性所面临的一些具体挑战,已经开发了很多模式和项目。但是,作者认为诸如此类文献和分析的实践与创新仍显羸弱,或者传播不当。因此,为了加强城市女性的赋权和参与,必须提出有效的干预政策和项目。由于全球人口主流将集中在城市,因此要制定更好的政策和项目来为满足性别的特定需要和城市的需求。在规划,构建,管理和制定城市发展策略时,关键要把性别平等融入其中。否则将使所有城市中的边缘化居民,尤其是女性更易受到伤害。
  Age and Class
  Thirdly, most of the studies looked at the issues of women in the cities from the perspective of young girls and able-bodied women. The concerns and issues faced by older and differently abled women in the cities are hardly analyzed. Considering the facet that in many countries, particularly the more advanced economies , the ratio of the old population is increasing, and it is going to be a major challenge for many states to address gender and age specific issues, especially when women hardly have any rights over the assets at the household level.
  The literature survey reveals that the focus is somehow tilted towards the issues of 40-50% of the urban female population, that is, those who live in the slums and the bottom of the pyramid. The other segments that belong to the middle, lower, as well as the upper classes, are largely ignored.
  Another missing component is the linkage between the Millennium Declaration, and millennium development goals (MDGs) and urban women. Theoretically, urban areas provide better access to services and goods. But the exclusive character of cities, excludes majority, predominantly women, from accessing it. Therefore, to strengthen the ongoing Post-MDG debate, it is essential to review the Millennium Declaration and MDGs from urban women’s perspective.
  Finally, the institutional arrangements for governance of urbanization are critical.Hardly any research is focused on the institutional arrangements and their everyday practices. This is critical for ensuring the enforcement of the legal and rights based approach.
  Resilience, Innovation and Culture
  Women in the urban setting are excelling at finding their own solutions to the problems they are confronted with. They are increasingly using technology to mobilize groups and communities.   城市女性擅长寻求她们所面临问题的解决之道。她们正更多地使用科技来动员群众。
  It is essential to understand that women can and must contribute significantly to the peace process. It means giving them chances and spaces to speak up and be heard. Only then can they play important roles in bringing about change within and outside their communities.
  It would be significant for us to remember these messages of inspiration:
  “My message today is: we cannot move backwards, we must keep moving forward. It is what we owe to millions of women fighting for their rights around the world, and let me say this: there can be no peace, no progress, no equality without women’s full and equal rights and participation.”(Michelle, Bachelet UN Women at the International Women’s Day commemorative Event at the UN, 8 March 2013)
  对于我们来说,记住以下激励人心的话意义重大:“今天我要说的是我们不能后退,必须继续前进。对于世界上无数为其权利而奋斗的女性来说,这是我们该做之事。我们必须要说——如果女性没有完全平等的权利与参与,那么将没有和平,进步和公平可言(Michelle, Bachelet,联合国妇女署总干事在2013国际妇女节纪念活动上的讲话)。
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