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在返还不当得利之债诉讼中,对于不当得利构成要件中的“无法律上原因”的(客观)证明责任的分配,学界多有论争,既有“无法律上原因”的证明责任应由请求人承担的观点,也有“有法律上原因”的证明责任应由被请求人承担的观点,更有依据不同的类型在双方当事人之间分配证明责任的观点,凡此种种。本文也试图从实体法上不当得利的类型划分出发,对“无法律上原因”这一不当得利关键性构成要件的证明责任进行合理化的分配,以期对理论界和实务界解决这一问题有所裨益。 In the litigation of returning unjust enrichment, there is more controversy in the academic circle about the distribution of (objective) proof of “no legal reason ” in the constitution of unjust enrichment, both of which have “no reason for law” The point of view that the burden of proof should be borne by the claimant, and the point that the burden of proof “for a legal reason” should be borne by the claimant, and the burden of proving the burden of proof between the parties on the basis of different types All kinds. This article also attempts to proceed from the type division of unjust enrichment in the substantive law and rationally allocates the burden of proof on the key elements constituting the unjust enrichment of “no cause of the law ”, in order to solve this problem for theorists and practitioners A problem is helpful.
20世纪60年代初,滑板运动起源于美国,由海上冲浪运动演化而来,是水上滑板运动在陆地上的延伸.冲浪运动受地理和气候条件的限制,而滑板运动则有更大的自由度.滑板运动是 The
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
本文介绍的飞利浦系列新型彩显的故障检修实例,不但说明了故障现象,而且还分析了故障的成因,重点突出了新机型的新电路,希望对读者的实际检修有所帮助。[例1]107E2纯平43 cm