Review of Chinese Wind Power Industry in 2005 and Its Prospects in the Coming Five Years

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The statistics on Chinese wind power installed capacity for year 2005 show that the wind power farm construction grew rapidly but the capability of equipment domestication remained weak. Looking back at the events occurred in 2005 that have milestone significance for wind power, we can see how they influence the development tendency. Also, this article points out the progress and lessons of wind power in the period of the Tenth Five-Year Plan, and emphasizes that the wind power performance in the coming five years should be appraised based on the capability of equipment domestication and electric energy sent to network. The statistics on Chinese wind power installed capacity for year 2005 show that the wind power farm construction Rapid rapidly but the capability of equipment domestication remained weak. Looking back at the events occurred in 2005 that have milestone significance for wind power, we can see how they influence the development tendency. Also, this article points out the progress and lessons of wind power in the period of the Tenth Five-Year Plan, and emphasizes that the wind power performance in the coming five years should be appraised based on the capability of equipment domestication and electric energy sent to network.
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220-kV and above class transmission and substation facilities In 2005 there were 325 supply enterprises (including 29 EHV transmission and substation enterprise
小男孩麦克五岁时,出奇的调皮,三天两头地闯祸,让父母操碎了心,镇上的人都称他为“贪玩的魔鬼”。  一次,麦克约了舅舅的女儿琳达一起出去玩。琳达同样十分贪玩,一点儿也不像其他女孩那样胆小而显得娇滴滴的,所以麦克很愿意和她一起玩。而琳达认为麦克是一个非常有男子汉气概的小男孩,很崇拜他,也很喜欢和他一起玩。  他们这次玩的是“仙女下凡”的游戏,琳达扮仙女,麦克扮一个很穷的人,期盼“仙女”能带给他食物。正