
来源 :国外铁道机车与动车 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanjing0
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Ricardo公司和英国交通研究所(TRL)受英国交通部门委托开展一项研究,针对提高内燃动车组和EMD 66型内燃机车的燃油效率,提出了多项升级方案。在缺乏新技术的背景下,研究报告强调了这样一个商业案例:为英国铁路1590台仍在使用的内燃动车进行燃油效率的升级,同时延长潜在的寿命周期。报告列举了几种技术方案,节油潜力分别为每年500万~1000万英镑。适用范围从现代涡轮增 Ricardo and the British Transport Institute (TRL), commissioned by the UK transportation department to conduct a study, have proposed a number of upgrades to improve the fuel efficiency of EMUs and EMD 66 diesel locomotives. In the absence of new technology, the study underscored the business case of upgrading the fuel efficiency of the 1590 still used diesel cars on the British Rail while extending the potential life cycle. The report lists several technical options, saving oil potential of 5 million to 10 million pounds each year. The scope of application from the modern turbines
针对DF4B型机车高速牵引运行中第一位牵引电动机电枢绕组飞散扫膛原因进行了分析,提出了预防措施,并对空转保护装置进行了改进。 In view of the reason why the armature w
目的 观察精子数目异常与小Y染色体及内分泌性腺激素水平。方法 对262名少精及无精症患者检测染色体,并对其中11例小Y染色体患者及随机抽取的15例Y染色体正常的患者运用磁性
目的 研究特发性无精症和严重少精症患者与Y染色体微缺失或突变的关系 ,建立无精症和严重少精症患者Y染色体微缺失的分子检测方法。方法 应用PCR技术对 10 1例无精症和严重
[Objective] In order to study the influence of cadmium stress on loach liver.[Method]FTIR-NEXUSTM Fourier transform infrared spectrometer(FTIR) was used to scan
The neutralizing activities of eight monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) (2D2, 2B2,1D2, 1D5, 1C2, 4A1, 6A4 and 6B4) were analy
目的 :研究和很好地使用前列腺组织粉碎器粉碎前列腺大叶组织块技术。方法 :使用前列腺组织粉碎器(VersaCutTissueMorcellator)对大功率 10 0W钬激光所切下的 37例前列腺组织
The extra small virus (XSV) is a satellite virus associated with Macrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus (MrNV) and its genome consists of two overlapping ORFs, CP1