蜂螫伤在位于丘陵、山区地带的农村是一种常见病。古往今来,我国劳动人民在治疗蜂螫伤方面积累了宝贵而丰富的经验,现将古今治疗蜂螯伤的民部验方选录部分如下: 方1:蚯蚓粪,井水调敷,其痛立止。(《验方新编》) 方2:芋头梗,捣烂敷,极效。(《验方新编》) 方3:如伤处麻木难过,用臭虫血涂之,立愈。(《验方新编》) 方4:芝麻研敷。(《家用良方》) 方5:鲜白扁豆叶,捣烂敷患处。(《常见病验方研究参考资料》)
Bee stings are a common disease in rural areas in the hills and mountains. Throughout the ages, the working people of our country have accumulated valuable and rich experience in the treatment of bee sting wounds. Now the selection of the Ministry of Civil Affairs to treat bee sting wounds in ancient and modern times is as follows: Fang 1: squat feces, well water dressing, its pain stand. (“New prescription”) Side 2: Scallops, smashed, extremely effective. (“New prescriptions”) Fang 3: If the injury is numb and sad, use the blood of bedbugs to cure it. (“New prescription”) Party 4: Sesame research. (“Household recipes”) Side 5: Fresh white lentils, smashed the affected area. (“Common Prescription Party Research Reference Materials”)