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  The Constitution of the United States was ratified by the states in June 1788.1 In February of the following year the new nation’s Electoral College2 selected George Washington to be its first president. On April 16, 1789 Washington began the journey from his home at Mount Vernon to New York City, then the nation’s capital, where he would be inaugurated. Washington was reluctant to leave the serenity of his home and uncertain about his new position.3 His journal entry for that day noted:
  “About 10 o’clock I bade adieu to Mount Vernon, to private life, and to domestic felicity, and with a mind oppressed with more anxious and painful sensations than I have words to express, set out for New York in company with Mr. Thompson, and Colonel Humphries, with the best dispositions to render service to my country in obedience to its call, but with less hope of answering its expectations.4”
  His journey to New York City took seven days and was transformed into a triumphal procession by the crowds and local officials who greeted the new president along the way.5 Celebrations erupted6 at numerous towns along his route including Alexandria, Baltimore, Wilmington, Philadelphia and Trenton. Washington arrived at Elizabeth Town, NJ on April 23 where a ceremonial barge awaited to take him across the river to Manhattan.7
  Entrance into the City
  Rudolph Von Dorsten was the Secretary of the Dutch Legation8 in New York City and describes Washington’s entrance into the city:
  “President George Washington made his entry into New York on Thursday, April 23d. On the previous day a barge left this city. The barge was built expressly by the citizens of New York, and was rowed by thirteen pilots, all dressed in white.9 A committee of three Senators and five Representatives on behalf of Congress, and three of the first officers on behalf of New York, went to Elizabethtown in New Jersey, to welcome the President, and to await his arrival there. His Excellency was also accompanied by some well-equipped sloops and by a multitude of small craft with citizens of New Jersey and New York on board.10
  A Spanish royal packet-boat, happening to be anchored at the entrance of the harbor, at sight of the barge, on board of which was the President, fired a signal-shot, whereupon that vessel was dressed at once with the flags of all nations.11 When the presidential barge passed, the Spanish vessel saluted his Excellency by firing thirteen guns, which was repeated by the Battery, and again thirteen guns were fired by the fort when the President landed.12
  His Excellency was received by Governor George Clinton, the mayor of the city and other officers, and, after a procession had formed, consisting of some companies of uniformed citizens and the merchants and other citizens of the city, the President walked with his escort and, Governor Clinton at his side, to the house prepared by Congress for his use.13”
  Taking the Oath of Office14
  Washington remained at his New York residence for a week while the House and the Senate ironed out15 their differences over how the formal inauguration should be conducted. Finally, on April 30, Washington was escorted to Federal Hall on Wall Street and into the Senate Chamber. Washington, Vice President John Adams, the Senators and Representatives stepped out of the chamber onto a balcony overlooking the street filled with a cheering crowd. As there were as yet no Supreme Court Justices, the Oath of Office was administered by Chancellor Robert R. Livingstone—New York’s highest ranking judge.16 After taking the oath, Washington and the others returned to the Senate Chamber where the new president gave a short speech.
  William Maclay was a farmer, a lawyer and one of Pennsylvania’s Senators. He kept a diary of his experiences. We pick up his story as Washington arrives at the Senate Chamber:
  “The President advanced between the Senate and Representatives, bowing to each. He was placed in the chair by the Vice-President; the Senate with their president on the right, the Speaker and the Representatives on his left. The Vice-President rose and addressed a short sentence to him. The import17 of it was that he should now take the oath of office as President. He seemed to have forgotten half what he was to say, for he made a dead pause and stood for some time, to appearance, in a vacant mood.18 He finished with a formal bow, and the President was conducted out of the middle window into the gallery, and the oath was administered by the Chancellor. Notice that the business done was communicated to the crowd by proclamation19, etc., who gave three cheers, and repeated it on the President bowing to them.
  As the company returned into the Senate chamber, the President took the chair and the Senators and Representatives, their seats. He rose, and all arose also, and addressed them. This great man was agitated and embarrassed more than ever he was by the leveled cannon or pointed musket.20 He trembled, and several times could scarce make out to read, though it must be supposed he had often read it before.
  He put part of the fingers of his left hand into the side of what I think the tailors call the fall of the breeches (corresponding to the modern side-pocket),21 changing the paper into his left (right) hand. After some time he then did the same with some of the fingers of his right hand.
  When he came to the words “all the world”, he made a flourish with his right hand, which left rather an ungainly impression.22 I sincerely, for my part, wished all set ceremony in the hands of the dancing-masters23, and that this first of men had read off his address in the plainest manner, without ever taking his eyes from the paper, for I felt hurt that he was not first in everything.
  He was dressed in deep brown, with metal buttons, with an eagle on them, white stockings, a bag, and sword.”
  1. the Constitution: 美国宪法;ratify: 正式批准,(尤指经签署)认可。
  2. Electoral College: 〈美〉总统选举团(由各州选举人推选组成,参加投票选举总统及副总统)。
  3. 华盛顿不太情愿离开自己家乡的安详宁静,并对其新的任职感到前途未卜。serenity: 安详,宁静。
  6. erupt: 爆发,突然冒出。
  8. legation: 代表团。
  9. expressly: 特意地,专诚;pilot: 舵手,舵工。
  10. Excellency: 阁下(对大使、总督、主教、总理等的尊称);sloop: 单桅帆船;a multitude of: 许多;craft:船。
  11. packet-boat:(通常在内河和近海航行的)班轮,定期邮船;whereupon: 随之,于是;vessel: 船。
  12. salute:(以鸣炮等方式)向……致敬;the Battery:(美国纽约市曼哈顿岛南端的)炮台公园。
  13. uniformed: 穿着制服的;escort: 护卫队,仪仗队,下文出现的escort作动词,是“护送”的意思。
  14. take the oath of office: 宣誓就职。
  15. iron out: 〈俚〉解决,消除。
  16. administer: 主持……的仪式;Robert R. Livingstone: 罗伯特·R. 利文斯敦(1746—1813),美国早期政治家、大陆会议代表、美国独立宣言起草委员、美国首任国务卿。
  17. import: 意思,含意。
  18. dead pause: 完全停顿;vacant:茫然的。
  19. proclamation: 公告,宣言。
  20. agitated: 激动不安的,焦虑的;leveled cannon: 瞄准的大炮;pointed musket: 瞄准目标的火枪。
  21. fall:(衣服的)宽下摆;breech:臀部;correspond to: 相当,相类似;side-pocket: 侧兜。
  22. flourish: 炫耀性的动作,戏剧性的手势;ungainly: 难看的,笨拙的。
  23. dancing-master: 舞蹈教师。
You know eating fruit and vegetables is good. But did you know it can also make you look good?  People who increased their intake2 over just six weeks developed a healthy glow and appeared more attrac
西昌大队四中队二班宿舍内,郎志高的影子投射在墙上。  今年第一次见到王顺华是在木里火场。那天是3月31日的清晨,四川凉山森林消防支队西昌大队准备突破火线。当时,我正在拍照,王顺华从身后拍了两下我的肩膀。  我俩认识8年了,我们从小是在云南边陲长大的,十八九岁的时候来到四川凉山,先后服役于武警西昌森林大队。转制后,叫西昌森林消防大队。王顺华传承了彝族人特有的肤色,黑黑亮亮的,配上圆圆的大眼睛,看上去
可能包括我在内的很多人,很少会将波兰列入自己的旅行清单,相对于知名度更高的西欧和华丽的北欧,它似乎并没有太多存在感。然而事实却是无知限制了想象力。感谢两场自行车比赛,让我得以一窥这个中欧大国充满魅力又迷人的一角。  时光倒转老城区  从华沙转机至克拉科夫,这座波兰故都为全国第二大城市,但人口仅有76万。从南到北纵穿整个波兰的维斯瓦河,也流经这里。克拉科夫老城区在1978年被列入世界文化遗产,从高空
雪场游客or滑雪爱好者  在冬奥会冰雪热潮到来的前两年,我已经开始了人生第一滑,在北京南山滑雪场,依稀记得那个明媚午后在雪地上小心翼翼与沉重的雪鞋雪板做斗争的情景。之后的每年冬天,都会有一两次往雪场扎的经历,有身为滑雪教练的朋友亲自指导过,有经验丰富的同事带领过,还体验过日本的粉雪,然而,有一个困扰着我以及很多像我这样的人的问题:为什么我滑了那么多年雪,还是只能在初级道上混?  “哦,你还没有从一
清晨8点,我在玉湖村里慢跑。玉湖村在玉龙雪山南麓,纳西语中叫做“巫鲁肯”,意思是雪山脚下的村子。雪山脚下的村子常年阳光明媚,雪山之上常年被金沙江蒸腾的水汽大雾笼罩。  村子的主干道由各种石头垒成,适合漫步,不适合开车,似乎表达着拒绝外来文明的意思。这一点我喜欢。石头街道两旁种满了怒放斗艳的鲜花,凉亭和台阶上,经常能看到满脸皱纹的老人,好奇地望着穿短裤短袖跑步的我。  我慢跑来到洛克旧居。小屋大门紧
关键词:赛道急救  关键词出处:2018年7月22日11点,康保马拉松,“第一反应”队员与医务人员联合成功救助心脏骤停患者1人,AED除颤1次。患者恢复自主呼吸后由现场120送到医院进行后续治疗。    在中国每年有300万人意外死亡,最危险的就是心脏骤停。美国有15%的救活率,拉斯维加斯赌场酒店事件中的救活率是70%以上,而在北京、上海,仅有1%。  2018年7月康保马拉松中成功救助的心脏骤停
阿迪朗达克山脉, 普莱西德湖村的露营车。 摄影/Kurt Von  用“房车”翻译Van,有点不准确。老一辈人的印象中,“房车”二字代表以郊游露营为目的的车辆,预先建造好一切,拎包入住,是有钱、有闲的富人的玩具。而在Instagram 上随便输入一个#vanlife搜一搜,大多是由箱型货车改装成的狭小居住空间。  这种货车并非为居住而存在,它和皮卡车一样,通常是从事建筑工种的人员的选择,比如木匠、
“原则上”和“原则下”  针对人们关心的“三公”(officials’ overseas travel, business meals, and use of cars on public expenses)中的公车问题,有关部门不久前又出台了一个规定:“党政机关原则上不配备越野车(cross-country vehicle),确因地理环境和工作性质特殊的,可以适当配备国产越野车。”这一规定里的“
據说,如果一个北京人穿过地心,到达地球的另一面,那么他到达的是一座叫米特雷卫的小镇,位于阿根廷里奥内格罗省。那里同时也是巴塔哥尼亚高原的开端。  而在地心的这一端。5月初的某个午后,一台电脑,一台ipad,几本难嚼的巨著,我的同事文森,正在位于北京东三环的办公室里,穿透迷雾般的疑云,探索着巴塔哥尼亚天际线上那座让他痴迷不已的山峰-托雷峰。彼时他身上散发着极度专注和热爱的光环,思想仿佛早已穿透地心,