来源 :岩石力学与工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyan19821021
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of PkD tbesis The research concentales mainly on the development of faiIure process in rock materials and the charateristics of associated acoustic emission through both laboratory and numerical investigations. Various asPectS are discussed in detail, and these include Kaiser effecL acoustic emission (AE) behaviour under uniaxial compression and tension, visualization of failure process and parametric stUdies using numerical approach. Laboratory testS have been carried out tO Study the Kaiser effect on severa tyPes of rock in Hong KOng. Recognizing that the AE counts are transient elastic waves due to local damages of rock, the quantitative relation betWeen AE countS and deformation of rock sPecimens has been established. Subsequently, an expression for Kaiser effect under uniaxial stress state is derived based on damage theory. The prediction of acoustic emission behaviour is found to be in good agreement with exPerimental results. TeChniques on servo controlled teSts on rock and acquisition of AE signals are also exPlored and discussed. Source location algorithms and techniques are aPplied to determine the AE sourees in tWo and threedimensional rock sPecimens. AcouStic emission behaviour of rock sPecimen under load has been scrUtinital by anaIysing AE parameters and AE sources in both comPression and tension. be charateristic stages of failure can be identified according to the featUI’e POints on the AE curves. For each Stag, micro-cracks which are reSPOnSible for the main sources of AE can be beed so that the process of crack formation, coalescence and development can be virtUally “visualized” step by step. Simultueously, numerical simulations are carried out in order to study the changes in stress and deformation distribution during the failure process. It provides new insigh on the fOrmation mechanism of failure zones and the development of cracks. Parametric stUdies are also conducted tO assess the effect of various factors on the failure process and failure mode. of PkD tbesis The research concentales mainly on the development of faiIure process in rock materials and the charateristics of associated acoustic emissions through both laboratory and numerical investigations. Various as Pects are discussed in detail, and these include Kaiser effecL acoustic emission (AE) behavior under uniaxial compression and tension, visualization of failure process and parametric stUdies using numerical approach. Laboratory testS have been carried out tO Study the Kaiser effect on severa tyPes of rock in Hong KOng. Recognizing that the AE counts are transient elastic waves due to local damages of rock , the quantitative relation betWeen AE countS and deformation of rock sPecimens has been established. An, an expression for Kaiser effect under uniaxial stress state is derived based on damage theory. The prediction of acoustic emission behavior is found to be in good agreement with exPerimental results TeChniques on servo controlled teSts on rock and acqu ision of AE signals are also exPlored and discussed. Source location algorithms and techniques are aPplied to determine the AE sourees in tWo and threedimensional rock sPecimens. AcouStic emission behavior of rock sPecimen under load has been scrUtinital by an alpha Iysing AE parameters and AE sources in both comPression and tension. be charateristic stages of failure can be identified according to the featUI’e POints on the AE curves. For each Stag, micro-cracks which are reSpenetrable for the main sources of AE can be be so so that the process of crack formation, coalescence and development can be virtUally “visualized ” step by step. Simultueously, numerical simulations are carried out in order to study the changes in stress and deformation distribution during the failure process. It provides new insigh on the fOrmation mechanism of failure zones and the development of cracks. Parametric stUdies are also conducting tO assess the effect of various factors on the failure process and failuremode.
【摘要】区角活动作为幼儿园教育中的重要组成部分,以自主、舒适、愉悦等独特的优势深受幼儿的喜爱,为幼儿提供了充分的自由交往与沟通的机会,让幼儿在区角活动中自觉的调整身心状况,保持愉快的心情,同时也促进了幼儿社交技能和情感表达能力的提高。但是,幼儿在区角活动中,幼儿常常会为了抢夺活动区间和活动材料而发生冲突,并为此争吵不休,那么如何才能让幼儿学会分享,学会与同伴合作探究呢?  【关键词】区角活动 幼儿
只生产一种饮料的可口可乐能称雄全球,我国的茅台酒早已饮誉海内外,但它的售价只有 XO 的几分之一。原因何在?社会学家告诉我们:当人们从温饱型迈入小康型甚至富裕型的生活
A numerical method for bearing capacity analysis by the upper bound theorem is presented. Based on the well- known Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion and the associ