紧扣中心 走近市场

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党的十一届三中全会以后,全党全国的工作重心均已转移到经济建设上来。近10年来,《公关世界》作为一个媒体,也在围绕如何解放和发展生产力,紧扣经济建设这个中心,从多种角度为这个中心服务。然而,近来一些读者反映《公关世界》专业性太强,反映经济生活的文章不多,并认为这会局限一部分读者,在一定程度上影响《公关世界》杂志的发展速度。经济工作的基础是成千上万的工商企业,领导 After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party, the center of gravity of the entire party and the whole nation has shifted to economic construction. In the past 10 years, “PR World” as a media center has also been serving this center from many angles, focusing on how to liberate and develop productive forces and closely follow the economic construction. Recently, however, some readers have said that “PR World” is too specialized and does not reflect many articles in economic life. In the opinion of readers, it will limit a part of its readers to a certain extent and influence the development speed of PR World. The basis of economic work is the leadership of thousands of business and industrial enterprises
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我们中文系有一门可有可无的课——人际交往。那时候,我们班很多人都有过逃课的记录,但惟独这门课我们从不缺席。 教这门课的教授姓文,他博学多才,课讲得栩栩如生,让我们受
剧 ,更让人觉得司空见惯 ,不以为然。如果欺骗已经形成一股潮流 ,如果国人对这一切已经麻木不仁、无可奈何的时候 ,诚信这面旗帜 ,如何才能树立起来呢 ?面对严峻的现实 ,人们
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甘蕉(Musa paradisiaca)在菲律宾大量种植,其花序被用做蔬菜,果实是很受欢迎的食品。甘蕉还有很好的药用价值:树干中的液汁具有收敛和止血作用,可治疗腹泻和痢疾;根可做解热
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观察保肝散对实验性肝损伤的保护作用。动物实验显示保肝散对四氯化碳所致的小鼠的肝损伤 ,能明显降低 ALT、AST等酶的活性 ,并有效减轻肝脏的病理损害 ,对肝脏有明显的保护
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