体现方志性质特征 提高志书学术品位

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地方志本质属性和特征是关系到写出什么样的志书,是编纂志书过程中首先遇到的一个重大理论和实践问题。它关系到新志书的编纂质量和方志事业的前途。然而,它却是古往今来,在我国学术界长期争论不休,而至今仍然是众说纷纭的一个问题。本届修志之初,胡乔木同志曾提出新方志“是一部朴实的、严谨的、科学的资料汇集”,这概括了新方志的性质。但后来有许多同志认为有不足之感,主要是在志书的学术品位上。多数人认可新方志“是一部朴实的、严谨的、科学的资料著述”这一提法。笔者认为后者的提法较准确。绝大多数研究者认为地方志已成为一个独立的学科,在众多的著述和信息媒体中是独树一帜的。许多方志学专家和地方志编纂工作者的研究和实践中都认识 The nature and characteristics of the local chronicles are related to writing what kind of records, which are the first major theoretical and practical problems encountered in compiling the records. It relates to the quality of the new chorography and the future of Chronicles. However, it is from the past to the present, endless controversy in academia in our country, and it is still a controversial issue. At the beginning of this revision, Comrade Hu Qiaomu put forward a new chronicles “is a simple, rigorous and scientific collection of materials”, which summarizes the nature of the new chronicles. However, many comrades later felt that there was inadequacy, mainly in the academic quality of the book. Most people recognize the new chronicles “is a simple, rigorous, scientific information on the” formulation. I think the latter’s formulation is more accurate. Most researchers think that local chronicles has become an independent discipline, which is unique among numerous publications and information media. Many historians and gazetteers are aware of the research and practice
摘要:阅读是小学语文教学中必不可少的重要技能之一,培养学生优秀的阅读技巧和优美的阅读感,对于学生学习语文,了解中国文化有着重要作用。学生阅读能力的好坏主要体现在学生对文本的理解、对文本的情感解读、对文本语言表达技巧等几个方面,只有对文本内容足够熟悉,对于文本所要表达的主题和宣泄的情感足够明确,才能用正确的语调、语速和节奏去阅读文本,理解文本。  关键词:小学语文;阅读;策略  阅读能力的培养是学生
全国首届大规模的新编地方志工作基本结束后,如何做好渎志用志工作,充分发挥志书的价值和效益,为改革开放和社会主义现代化建设服务,是我们方志界值得和必 After the first
结束了一天的工作回到家,身体■并放松下来。晚饭后到睡觉前有3个小时左右的空闲时间,简单规划一下把它打造成家庭黄金养生时间,和家人一起好好养健康。养生推荐 1 夫妻互助