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堡若勒斯湖(Borullus)位于尼罗河三角洲正中央。大约公元8世纪时,由于河流沉积,在湖的北面形成了许多沙丘,继而,在这道屏障后面,先前存在的潮汐湿地沉降形成了一个盐沼,堡若勒斯湖可能就是从这个盐沼演化而来。每年9~12月,尼罗河的支流赛本尼提克(Sebennytic)定期泛滥,洪水从一个出口布法兹(Bughaz)排出。在河流低水位时,这个过程逆转过来,布法兹成为海水的入口。由于这个转换过程,它的动植物群落混合了了海水、淡水和咸水物种。大约19世纪中期已经开始在尼罗河上修建水坝,最终以1964年阿斯旺大坝的建成结束,这使得每年的洪水完全得到控制。因此,一个流量稳定的、可保证三角洲农业灌溉的尼罗河开始注入湖泊,并且形成固定的通往地中海的出海口;湖水几乎全部变为淡水,先前以胭脂鱼为基础的海产渔业转化成了以棘鳍类热带淡水鱼-鲶鱼为基础的淡水渔业。但是,在水稻和三角洲其它新的农作物种植过程中产生大量的营养物质排入。目前,湖泊已经富营养化,仅仅依赖其很短的滞留期来抵制超营养化。最终,尼罗河大坝终止了每年沉积物向三角洲的流入,但是沉陷和海岸侵蚀仍然继续,并且正在吞噬将湖泊与海洋分隔开来的沙坝。 Borullus is located in the very center of the Nile Delta. About the 8th century AD, many sand dunes formed north of the lake due to river sedimentation. Then, behind this barrier, the pre-existing tidal wetland subsidence formed a salt marsh, and Lake Jarles could have been the salt marsh Evolved. Between September and December each year, the tributary race of the Nile, Sebennytic, is regularly flooded and the flood emanates from an outlet, Bughaz. The process reversed when the river was low and Buffard became the entrance to the sea. Due to this conversion process, its flora and fauna are mixed with marine, freshwater and saltwater species. Around the mid-1800s dams were built on the Nile, ending with the completion of the Aswan Dam in 1964, which brought complete control of the floods each year. As a result, a steady flow of Nile, which guarantees agricultural irrigation in the delta, begins to inject into lakes and form a fixed sea exit to the Mediterranean; almost all of the lake’s water becomes freshwater, and the formerly fish-based marine fishery transforms into a seabird Tropical freshwater fish - catfish-based freshwater fisheries. However, substantial amounts of nutrients are released during the planting of rice and other new crops in the delta. At present, the lake is already eutrophic and relies on its short residence time to counteract eutrophication. Eventually, the Nile Dam ended the annual influx of sediment into the delta, but subsidence and coastal erosion continued, and the sand dam separating the lake from the ocean was being swallowed up.
目的了解长沙地区中枢神经系统 (CNS)肿瘤的发生特点及其临床病理特征。方法用常规方法分析了 12年间手术切除的 3 342例CNS肿瘤的构成及临床病理特点。结果CNS
一般资料: 40例住院男性患者(治疗组),入院后48小时进行胃镜检查确诊为十二指肠球部溃疡活动期。均有明确黑便和(或)呕血。年龄15~50岁,平均34.5岁,病程1月~18年。入院后均用
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