雷家坪遗址位于巴东县东壤口镇长江北岸的山坡中部,南距新巴东县城约1.5公里(图一)。遗址面积较大,据钻探有数万平方米。遗址中心的一部分现为民房所压,东酉两侧的山坡上散见有砖墓和石墓。 武汉大学考古专业曾于1994年和1995年对该遗址进行了两次试掘,清理
Lei Jia Ping site is located in East Padong County town north coast of the northern slope of the hillside, about 1.5 km south of New Patong County (Figure 1). The site is larger, according to drilling tens of thousands of square meters. A part of the ruins center is now under the pressure of houses. There are brick tombs and stone tombs scattered on the hillsides on both sides of the east and west sides. The archeology of Wuhan University had conducted two excavations and cleanings on the site in 1994 and 1995