
来源 :浙江肿瘤通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mercurian88
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大肠癌主要发生在直肠、结肠,是九大常见癌症之一,大多为腺癌,目前仍以手术治疗为主。手术是短期奏效的治疗手段,早期大肠癌的根治术,治愈率较高,但对癌肿已侵及邻近组织,或已有淋巴转移,则不能彻底切除,对晚期则无能为力。而作为全身治疗的中草药对不适宜于手术治疗的晚期患者,也有一定的治疗效果。祖国医学对大肠癌有几千年认识史,在最早的一部医典《内经》中,就有“肠溜”和“肠中积聚”的记载,并进一步指出,其发病是由“邪气(致癌因素)居其间(长期刺激肠道)”所致。直肠、结肠癌破溃出血,则常与脏毒(血色浊而黯)、肠风(大便前出血如 Colorectal cancer mainly occurs in the rectum and colon. It is one of the nine most common cancers, most of which are adenocarcinomas. Currently, surgical treatment is the mainstay. Surgery is a short-term effective treatment. Early eradication of colorectal cancer has a high cure rate. However, if a cancer has invaded neighboring tissue or has lymphatic metastasis, it cannot be completely removed. The Chinese herbal medicine used as a systemic treatment also has a certain therapeutic effect on advanced patients who are not suitable for surgical treatment. The motherland medicine has a history of recognizing colorectal cancer for several thousand years. In the earliest medical code, the Neijing, there were records of “intestines slipping” and “accumulation in the intestines,” and further pointed out that the disease was caused by “evil gas ( Carcinogenic factors) In the meantime (long-term stimulation of the intestine) caused. Rectum, colon cancer ulceration bleeding, often with dirty poison (blood turbidity and sputum), intestinal wind (bleeding before stool, such as
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