遵照中央和省委关于做好国企下岗职工基本生活保障和再就业工作的要求,山西日报编委会积极响应中国记协关于深入开展新闻助困活动的倡议,把搞好下岗职工再就业的宣传报道,作为当前关系改革、发展、稳定全局的头等大事来抓,采取得力措施,派出记者深入困难企业,与下岗职工实行“三同”,做到人到、心到、情到,起到工作队、宣传队、调研队的作用,采写了大量有深度、有分量的新闻报道,取得了良好的社会效果,受到省委的表彰。 山西日报搞好下岗职工再就业的宣传报道,表明只要认识到位,措施得力,抓紧抓好,就能卓有成效。因此,山西日报的经验和做法,值得新闻单位学习和借鉴。
In accordance with the requirements of the central and provincial committees on ensuring basic subsistence and reemployment of laid-off workers of state-owned enterprises, the editorial board of Shanxi Daily actively responded to the initiative of the China Association of Record Developers in deepening news aid activities and promoted the promotion of reemployment of laid-off workers Reported that as the top priority in the current reform, development and overall stability of the relations, we should take effective measures, dispatched reporters to work in difficult enterprises and implement “three principles” with laid-off workers to achieve the goal of being people, heart, feeling, and working Team, propaganda team, the role of research team, wrote a large number of deep, weight news reports, achieved good social effect, the provincial party committee commended. The Shanxi Daily’s well-publicized coverage of laid-off workers reemployment shows that as long as they are aware of their efforts and effective measures, they can be fruitful. Therefore, the Shanxi Daily’s experience and practices, it is worth learning from the news unit and learn from.