Effect of cooling rate on plastic deformation of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses

来源 :Progress in Natural Science:Materials International | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pkbaby
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The effect of cooling rate on plastic deformation of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses has been studied.The specimens with the diameters of 3 mm,4 mm and 6 mm cut from the same ladder-shaped Zr 55 Al 10 Ni 5 Cu 30 BMG rod were used in the present investigation.The experimental results indicated that the different plastic strains were induced for the three type compression specimens.The compressive plastic strain increased with the decreasing diameter for the as-cast specimens,which means that the compressive plastic strain increased with the increasing cooling rate.The reason of the difference is attributed to the free volume existed in the BMGs during the rapid solidification,and the larger free volume was contained in the specimen fabricated with the higher cooling rate.It has been found that the prominent serrations and multiple shear bands appeared during the compressive deformation tests of the specimen with smaller diameter of 3 mm,indicating that the specimen with smaller diameter exhibits better plasticity due to more free volume content. The effect of cooling rate on plastic deformation of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses has been studied. The specimens with the diameters of 3 mm, 4 mm and 6 mm cut from the same ladder-shaped Zr 55 Al 10 Ni 5 Cu 30 BMG rod were used in the present investigation. the experimental results indicated that the different plastic strains were created for the three type compression specimens. compressible plastic strains increased with the decreasing diameter for the as-cast specimens, which means that the compressive plastic strains increased with the increasing cooling rate.The reason of the difference is attributed to the free volume existed in the BMGs during the rapid solidification, and the larger free volume was contained in the specimen fabricated with the higher cooling rate. It has been found that the prominent serrations and multiple shear bands occurred during the compressive deformation tests of the specimen with smaller diameter of 3 mm, indicating that the specimen with smaller diameter exhibits better plasticity due to more free volume content.
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[摘 要] 微课是信息技术与教育教学有机结合的产物,也是推动教育教学模式改革与发展的重要手段。在高校体育课堂上引入微课,对构建起以学生为主体的课堂教学环境,丰富体育课堂教学内容,提高体育课堂教学效果有着重要意义。对高校体育微课内涵与设计要点进行分析,并提出基于微课信息化教学的高校体育课堂实施策略。  [关 键 词] 高校体育;微课;信息化教学  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章
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